Sree Ramulu

Dr.Sree Ramulu started his career in 1957 in the Dept. of Soil Science &  Agricultural Chemistry of the Agricultural College & Research Institute,Coimbatore (India) and retired in 1994 as Professor of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry. He took his Ph. D. in Soil Science in 1966 at the University of California, Riverside (CA., U.S.A) in 1966 under the guidance of Dr. P.F. Pratt and Dr. N.T. Coleman. He held various positions in the Tamil Nadu Department of Agriculture kind Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. He was the recipient of the award for "Best Research Worker in Madras State" in the field of Agricultural Chemistry in 1960; Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship in 1963 for doing his Ph.D. in U.S.A.; elected Fellow of the Indian Society of Agricultural Chemists, Indian Society of Soil Science, and Academy of Environmental Biologists. He has published more than 125 scientific articles in International and National Journals in addition to publishing the following books: Chemistry of Insecticides and Fungicides, Methods of Pesticides Analysis, Chemistry of Herbicides, Isotopes in Agriculture, Principles in the Thesis Writing, Dry Farming in India, Management of Water Resources in Agriculture, Reuse of Municipal Sewage and Sludge in Agriculture and Principles in -Quantitative Analysis of Waters, Fertilizers, Plants and Soils.

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