(Dr.) I.S. Grover has more than 25 years of teaching and research experience in
Environmental Mutagenesis, Genetics, and allied areas. He had been on the
faculty of Department of Botany, Punjab Agricultural University. Ludhiana
(1971- I975) and Guru Nanak Dev University. Amritsar (since 975) where he sewed
as Reader (1975-1982) Professor (since 1952). Professor and Head (I984-87.
1990- 1993), and Dean. Faculty of Life Sciences (1994-1996). At present. he is
co-ordinating the UGC- Sponsored DRS In Life Sciences. Under his supervision.
13 students have earned their Ph.D. degree. Prof. Grover has published more
than 110 original research papers and edited a book on "Comparative Environmental Muta- genesis". He has
completed a number of major research projects sponsored by UGC / CSIR /
Ministry of Environment and Forests. etc., and has worked as Collaborator of an International
Study to standardize the protocol of plant assay for monitoring
genotoxicity sponsored
by UNEP- ILO-WHO. Prof. Grover is an elected Fellow of National Academy of Sciences (FNASc). Indian Botanical Society. and Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding. He is also an active member of New York Academy of Sciences. He visited Bulgaria under Indo-Bulgarian Exchange Programme and participated in a number of International conferences and delivered special/plenary Lectures in India and abroad (Canada, USA. Egypt. USSR and China]. Prof. Grover has served as Expert Member to various National bodies like CSIR. DST and UGC. He is also on the Biodiversity Committee constituted by the Punjab Government. '
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