Dr. J. C.
Tarafdar, a renowned Soil Biologist, did his M. Sc. and Ph. D. from Soil
Science and Agricultural Chemistry at Indian Agricultural Research Institute,
New Delhi and Post Doctorate from Institute of Agricultural Chemistry, University
of Goettingen, Germany. He has made well recognized contribution in mobilization
of native phosphorus. He is the first in the world successfully developed
biosynthesized nano nutrients and nano induced polysaccharide powder for
agricultural use. Developed many new techniques now used in Soil Biology. The
most notable are: Visual demonstration technique of germinating AM spore, Soil
solarization technique for mass scale production of AM fungi, Freeze-drying
technique to understand nutrient movement and Electrofoccusing technique to
demonstrate the origin of enzymes. Dr. Tarafdar has published 360 research
articles in national and international journals which include 36 book chapters
and four books. He has four patents and 73 new organisms in his credit. He is a
recipient of many awards most notable are Sukumar Basu Memorial Award,
IMPHOS-FAI Award, Prof. S.K. Mukherjee Memorial Award, Prof R.S. Murthy
Memorial Award, Bharat Jyoti Award, Glory of India Gold Medal, Prof. R. V.
Tamhane Memorial Award, Dr. Kartik Oaron Memorial Award, Dr. N. S. Randhawa
Memorial Award, ISSS Platinum Jubilee Commemoration Award, Dr. N. P. Datta
Memorial Award. Dr. Tarafdar is a Fellow
of Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) and DAAD, Germany, National Academy of
Agricultural Sciences, Indian Society of Soil Science and Indian Society of
Salinity Research Scientists. Dr. Tarafdar is among the best 2% Scientist in
the world and ranked 992nd in the world. He has guided seven Ph. D. and
18 M. Sc. Students.
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