K.L. Shrivastava

Kanhaiya Lal Shrivastava, M.Tech, Ph.D is Professor of economic geology since May 2001 at Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, India, where he has taught since 1982.Prior to that time he was at Centre of Advance Studies in Geology and Department of Applied Geology, Saugar University. Professor Shrivastava is actively engaged in understanding different aspects of economic  mineralization for the last 30 years. His research is primarily dealing with the genesis and exploration of  economic deposits of igneous affiliation, sulphide deposits and mineral fuels. Professor Shrivastava is the author of more than 75 papers published in International and National Scientific Journals or presented in the seminars. He is widely traveled person who visited several countries including China (Beijing), Norway(Oslo), Srilanka(Colombo), Finland(Helsinki), Mayanmar (Bangkok), Sweden(Stockhome), etc.  He has supervised eight  research scholars for Ph.D degree and presently supervising seven more. Professor  Shrivastava was honoured by 'Prof . S. Sambegowda Goldmedal' for the research contributions made on Framboids' in the year 1981 and 'Decree of Merit' by IBC, Cambridge in the year 1995. He is life member of 15 scientific societies, including Geological Society of India, AGID, ISTE; and Chairman of South Asian Association of Economic Geologists, Marwar chapter. He has represented Indian Sub-continent in several research working Groups. His biography is published in many global directories of the Biographic Institutes.

Frontiers of Earth Science

K.L. Shrivastava
Hard Bound
  • 4,995.00 : 4,995.00

Geo- Resources

K.L. Shrivastava
Hard Bound
  • 4,995.00 : 4,995.00

Economic Mineralization

K.L. Shrivastava
Hard Bound
  • 4,995.00 : 4,995.00

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