Dr. R.K. Trivedy(b 21-6-1957) is Reader and in-charge, Department of Pollution Studies, Y.C. College of Science, Karad, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. He did his M.Sc. in Botany from Banaras Hindu University in 1976 and Ph.D. from University of Rajasthan, Jaipur in 1980. He has taught the subject Environmental Pollution in B.Sc. (Pollution Studies) and M.Sc. (Pollution Studies) courses and has guided research at M.Sc. (partly by research), M.Phil. and Ph.D. level, Dr.Trivedy has 26 years of research experience in the field of fresh-water ecology, aquatic weed ecology and management, biomonitoring of water pollution and waste-water treatment. He has done pioneering work in India in utilization of water hyacinth for sewage and industrial waste treatment and he is a member of International specialists group in this field. He is a member of National panel of trained Assessors, NAAC, Bangalore. Dr.Trivedy has been Principal investigator of several research projects sponsored by Ministry of Environment and Forests, University Grants Commission, India and National River Action Plan. He has organized many National and International Conferences and Training Programmes. He has published over 100 research papers in reputed National and International journals and books. He has authored/edited 27 books and is the editor of Environmental Directory of India. He has been editing the prestigious international journal – Pollution Research since 1982 and is also editor of Journal of Industrial Pollution Control, and another quarterly journal Ecology, Environment and Conservation. Dr.Trivedy has lectured in various Universities in India and Abroad. He is member of several prestigious committees in various states. He is a winner of Several Awards. Dr.Trivedy has visited Australia, Nepal, Singapore, Portugal, Spain, France, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Hong Kong, Japan and Mauritius.