Dr. Shravan M.  Haldhar

Dr. Shravan M. Haldhar (MSc, PhD, PDF, Thailand) an Associate Professor (Entomology) in the Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, Central Agricultural University, Imphal, Manipur. He started his career as a Scientist (Agril Entomology) in ICAR in 2009 at CIAH, Bikaner. He was born on 13th October 1979 in Jaipur (Rajasthan), obtained MSc in Agricultural Entomology (2004) from RAU, Bikaner and PhD (2008) from MPUAT, Udaipur. He also developed 07 varieties of ridge gourds (Thar Karni); long melon (Thar Seetal); sponge gourd (Thar Tapish); palak (Thar Hariparna), ivy gourd (Thar Sundari) khejri (Thar Amruta) and muskmelon (Thar Mahak) and registered three traits specific lasora genotype (AHCM-22-1), muskmelon genotype (AHM/BR-8) and watermelon genotype (AHW/BR-5) in NBPGR, New Delhi. He has published 15 international and 65 national research papers; 16 books/ compendiums; 06 technical bulletins, 02 technical folders; 45 book chapters; and delivered 50 lectures. He is a fellow of ‘The Entomological Society of India’ and is the recipient of several awards and recognitions including Dr. B. Vasantharaj David Young Scientist Award 2019; Agriculture Today Young Scientist Award 2019; SAAER-Young Scientist Award 2016; AIASA-Scientist of the Year Award 2016 and IIFS-Rashtriya Gaurav Award 2012. Dr. Haldhar has developed 31 technologies related to insect-pest management strategies in arid horticulture crops and applied for one patent on biopesticide “Thar Jaivik 41 EC: Patent Application-201911012592 dated 30-03.19” for insect-pests management. Submitted 07 new DNA Bar-coding sequence data of arid horticulture crops insects to Gen Bank NCBI, USA. He handled the 02 externally funded projects as Centre PI, 02 institute projects as PI and 11 institute projects as Co-PI. Dr. Haldhar is an editor and reviewer of 07 international and national journals. Guided 05 Ph. D. and M. Sc. scholar. He has also attended international training on ‘Induced resistance in plants against biotic stresses’ at Prince of Songkla University, Thailand from 15 April to 14 July 2022. 

Citrus Crop Production and Management in NEH Region

Dr. Shravan M. Haldhar
Hard Bound
  • 97.00 : 87.00

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