Dr. S  Jeyaraman

The New Education Policy 2020 (NEP-2020) of India has proposed several changes in the

present higher agriculture education system such as holistic multidisciplinary education while

continuing focus on agriculture and developing professionals with the ability to understand anduse local knowledge, traditional knowledge and emerging technologies, while being cognizant ofcritical issues of declining profitability and/or productivity but enhanced economic aspirations offarmers, climate change, food sufficiency, etc. The rainfed production systems in a watershedinclude i) crop and cropping systems; ii) diversified land use including agro-forestry, drylandhorticulture including fruit trees on homestead, farmland, fisheries, etc, iii) livestock and animalhusbandry including poultry, pisciculture (fishery), rabbit rearing, apiculture, etc, and iv)grazing ground and pasture including grazing practices, grazing/cut and carry systems, stallfeeding, etc. This book ‘Sustainable Rainfed Agriculture and Watershed Management’ coversthe local knowledge, traditional knowledge and emerging technologies on rainfed agriculture,rainfed based farming systems, conservation agriculture, alternative land use systems for drylandareas, wasteland Development aspects and watershed planning and management from differentcountries that suite India and neighbouring countries. Horticulture, agroforestry, seed spices,medicinal and aromatic plants, animal husbandry fishery, livestock and beekeeping, etc., areintegral component of rainfed farming systems. As this book covers the principles and practicesof rainfed agriculture, rainfed based farming systems, agroforestry and watershed planning andmanagement, it is suitable all agricultural universities in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka,African counties, etc. This book will be a ready reckoner for under graduate students ofAgriculture, Horticulture, Forestry and Agricultural Engineering as well as to the extension

officers and personnel interested in rainfed agriculture and watershed management. This book

can be also used as a reference book for the M.Sc. (Ag) students in Agronomy. This book is

valid for a minimum period of ten years.


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