S.K. Gupta

Dr. S K Gupta, Born (1949), Dr. S K Gupta is an Agricultural Engineer with specialization in Soil and Water Resources Engineering. He obtained B. Tech (Agril. Engg.) from the Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana, in 1970 and Master of Agricultural Engineering from the same University in 1976. He obtained Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Jawahar Lal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India in 1984. Dr. Gupta is Fellow of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Indian National Academy of Engineering and Indian Society of Agricultural Engineering. Since his joining CSSRI in 1971, besides holding scientific positions, he has been Head, Division of Drainage and Water Management, Head, Indo-Dutch Network Project, Head, Division of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering and Project Coordinator (AICRP on Management of Salt Affected Soils and Use of Saline Water in Agriculture). After superannuation, Dr. Gupta worked as Emeritus Scientist (ICAR) and INAE Distinguished Professor at the same institute. Dr. Gupta has been engaged in conducting researches in surface and subsurface drainage for land reclamation, irrigation water management, hydrology of salt affected soils, leaching and use of saline water in agriculture. He has published more than 150 research papers in high impact factor journals and published 15 books. Currently, he is an independent Researcher pursuing his own interests in research and writing books. Dr. Gupta has been consultant to WAPCOS-Louis Berger, MoWR, MoRD, UP-Dutch Tube Well Project, ActionAid International, Synergics Hydro India-Oromia Water Works Enterprise, Ethiopia and others. He has been bestowed with Rafi Ahmad Kidwai Award by ICAR. Besides he is recipient of several awards from NAAS, ISAE, IE (India), CBIP and MoWR among other organizations. He is the Chief Editor of Journal of Water Management of the Indian Society of Water Management.

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