Prof. T.N. Ananthakrishnan, Ph.D., D.Sc., FNA, FNASc, FASc is an Entomologist of repute with around sixty years of experience as Researcher, Professor and Director, Entomology Research Institute, Chennai and Director, Zoologial Survey of India, Calcutta. In the earlier years of his career his interest was on the Taxonomy and Bioecology of thrips and in subsequent years after his training abroad, he became interested in Chemical Ecology of Insect Plant Interactions, an area in which he has authored several books and monographs. He is equally interested in general ecology, as evident by his books General and Applied Ecology and Bioresources Ecology. His major contribution is a coauthored volume on General and Applied Entomology, published by Tata-McGraw Hill Companies. His books on Functional dynamics of Phytophagous Insects and Chemical Ecology of Phytophagous insects are of equal interest. Over the last five years he has been publishing books on the Ecological aspects of Insects, thanks to the cooperation and good will of the Scientific Publishers (India), Jodhpur. Prof. Ananthakrishnan has been the recipient of several National Awards, such as Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award (ICAR), INSA Senior Scientists, Jawaharlal Nehru Fellowship (1980), Pitamber Pant Award of Ministry of Environment, J.C. Bose Award of the Indian Science Congress, K.C. Mehta Award of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Sundarlal Hora Medal of Indian Science Congress, Monsanto Life Achievement Award and very recently the INSA Golden Jubilee Medal (2009).
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