Home Books Agriculture A Manual on Conservation of Soil and Water

A Manual on Conservation of Soil and Water


A Manual on Conservation of Soil and Water

USDA & W.E. Latchem

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Today People are becoming more and more and more aware of the importance of keeping their agricultural land permanently productive.

In Order to keep the land productive, a good conservation program is imperative. Soil and water conservation is the basis of such a program, and also helps improve land impoverished by erosion and overuse-makes it more productive so that it can support more people.

For effective conservation of soil and water, we must treat and use the various kinds of land according to their capability and need. To do this it is necessary to study the land carefully, so as  to be able to fit conservation practices and structures to the various kinds of land.

Today these techniques of soil and water conservation are being practiced in many countries with much benefit to great numbers of people. Agriculturists throughout the world now generally agree that a changeover from wasteful to protective and fruitful land use and farming methods should be brought about as quickly as possible. It must be brought about, that is, if individual nations and the world as a whole are to build a healthy economy, with agricultural production wherever possible adequate to feed, clothe, and shelter the people and to supply materials required in time of emergency.

This handbook explains the causes, processes, and consequences of soil erosion and depletion, and describes the major soil-and water-conservation measures which, when applied to the land in correct combinations, will greatly reduce or prevent soil erosion, improve fertility, and increase yields.

This handbook is prepared for the use of officials, technicians, and agriculturists interested in controlling wind and water erosion and making better use of rainfall available and irrigation water throughout the world.

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