Home Books Agriculture Agribusiness Advancements in Micronutrient Research

Advancements in Micronutrient Research


Advancements in Micronutrient Research

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The treatise, Advancements in Micronutrient Research is a summary of important new findings on Micronutrients and of basic and applied needs in microelement nutrition. It has been designed with a view to a thorough apprehension of multidisciplinary research in the most fascinating area of agriculture i.e Micronutrients. Impressive growth has been achieved during the last two decades in our understanding of the mechanism of nutrient uptake and their function in Plant metabolism , simultaneously with the corresponding advances made in increasing crop yield by the supply of various micronutrients inspite of wide range of variability within cultivar of a given species. Thus, the book is a treasure for interdisciplinary exchange of information, which is a valuable contribution to the understanding of trace element nutrition in plants. As can be seen from the chapters, the approach to the topics ranges from theoretical to applied, molecular to organismic, and single to multivariable systems. In addition, an interrelationship among different elements have been elaborated along with the concept of inter disciplinary trace element research and the physiological importance of a number of hardly known trace elements. This treatise is tremendously helpful for researchers in the various fields of agriculture, biological and environmental sciences, who already have or aspire to have a profound knowledge of Plant Physiology , Plant Biochemistry, Soil Science and Genetics

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