S.P. Singh
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1. Crop Improvement in Mango
2. Nutrient Management in Guava
3. In vitro cloning of
Chinese guava (Psidium friedrichsthalianum (Berg.) Nierdz.
4. Papaya Nutrition — A Review
5. Extending shelf-life of Tropical Fruits through Ripening Retardants
6. Relationship of Nutrient Status of High and Low Productive Apple Trees
with their Growth and Yield Performance
7. In vitro propagation
of Natal Plum, (Carissa grandiflora D.C.) through shoot-tip culture
8. Role of Shade Trees on growth and yield of
Tea (Camellia sinensis (L) Kuntze. — A Review
9. Ecofriendly Disease Management Approach in Horticulture
10. Applications and implications of transgenesis in development of genetically
modified crops
11. High Density Orcharding in Tropical and Subtropical Fruits
12. Feasibility of Creating Higher Genetic yield potential in grain Amaranth
13. Shelf-life of Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cv. California
Wonder’ as influenced by Benzyladenine and Vapor Gard
14. High frequency shoot multiplication from shoot tip explants in Chrysanthemum
morifolium Ramat
15. Effect of NPK and spacings on growth, quality and flower production in China
Aster (Callistephus chinensis L.)
16. Effect of Chemicals, Packaging and Harvesting Stages on the Post Harvest
Storage Life of Loose Flower of Annual Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum indicum)
17. Shelf-life of Tuberose loose flowers as influenced by 60CO Gamma
irradiation and cool storage
18. Genetic Divergence among the One-Parent Families of Neem (Azadirachta
indica A. Juss.) and Pungam (Pongamia pinnata (Linn.) Pierre.
19. Phenotypic Stability of Metric traits in Azadirachta indica A. Juss.
to Juvenile Growth
20. Socio-economic Perspective for Promoting Trees
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