Atul Chandra, Anuj Chandra & I.C. Gupta
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In the present book. efforts have been made to highlight the researches conducted on different aspects on these fruit crops. It is hoped that such information provided in the book will be of great use to research workers, students, extension specialists, fruit growers and planners in the Departments of Horticulture and Agriculture and also to the agen- cies which are entrusted with the utilization of wasteland, develop- ment of arid zone and improvement of the environment. First chapter of the book deals with Climate, Soils and Irrigation Waters. Each fruit crop has been described in a separate chapter. Uses and Nutritive Value, Soils and Climate, Cultivars, Propagation, Estab- lishment of Orchard, Nutrition, Flowering and Fruit set, Diseases and Insects, Post harvest handling and Storage, Yield and Economics etc. havetbeen discussed precisely. The References cited in the text have been given at the end of chapter.
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