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This biofertilizer manual is the product of the Biofertilizer Project in FNCA (Forum of Nuclear Cooperation in Asia). Eight countries, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam participate in this project. The Editor-in-Chief is Dr. Pham Van Toan, the Project Leader of Viet Nam.The biofertilizer manual is written by project members and other experts to share information and experiences of biofertilizer use in Asian countries, their effectiveness, efficient production processes, storage and application on different crops.It has the following chapters: 1) Introduction, 2) General methods to evaluate microbial activity, 3) Carriers for biofertilizers, 4) Inoculant for biofertilizers including rhizobia, non-symbiotic nitrogen fixers, mycorrhiza, phosphorous solubilizers, and 5) Quality control of biofertilizers, from advanced basic information to practical methods in each participating country.
Preface by Dr. Sueo Machi, the FNCA
Coordinator of Japan
Members of the FNCA Biofertilizer Project
Contributing Authors
I. Introduction
II. General Methods to Evaluate Microbial
1. Isotopic Methods
1.1. N2-fixing Activity
1.1.1. Introduction
1.1.2. Total N accumulation
1.1.3. N difference method
1.1.4. 15N dilution method
1.1.5. 15N natural abundance method
1.1.6. 15N2 fixation activity
1.1.7. Appendix: Direct Analysis of 15N Abundance of
Kjeldahl Digested Solution by Emission Spectrometry
1.2. P-solubilizing Activity
2. Conventional Methods
2.1. N-fixing Activity
2.1.1. Acetylene reduction assay
2.1.2. H2 production assay
2.1.3. Relative ureide method
2.2. P-solubilizing Activity
III. Carriers for Biofertilizers
1. Carrier Materials
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Carrier material
1.3. Sterilization
1.4. Appendix: Enhanced Growth and Nodule occupancy of Red Kidney
Bean and Soybean Inoculated with Soil Aggregate-Based Inoculant
Carrier Sterilization using γ-irradiation
2.1. Introduction
2.2. The properties of ionizing radiation
2.3. The effects of radiation on microorganisms
2.4. The necessity of radiation sterilization
2.5. The practical example for carrier sterilization
2.6. Appendix: γ–ray irradiation facilities and electron-beam
irradiation facilities potentially available for carrier sterilization in Asia
Inoculant for Biofertilizers
1. Rhizobium Inoculant
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Isolation of Rhizobium
1.2.1. Collection and preservation of root nodules in field trips
1.2.2. Isolation of bradyrhizobia from dried root nodules
1.2.3. Isolation of rhizobia from fresh nodules
1.3. Rhizobial Inoculant Production
1.3.2. Production of sterile
carrier-based inoculant
1.3.1. Production of broth culture
1.3.3. Production of non-sterile carrier-based inoculant
1.3.4. Production of liquid inoculant
1.4. Introduction to the Rhizobium Supplier and Field Experiments in Japan
1.4.1. Production and Sales of Rhizobium Biofertilizers
1.4.2. Facility of biofertilizer production in TFAC
1.4.3. Outline of Rhizobium inoculant production in Tokachi
Federation of Agricultural Cooperation
1.5. Inoculant Application
1.6. Field Experiments Related to New
Inoculation and Fertilization Methods
for Soybean in Japan
2. Non-Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixers
2.1.1. Azospirillum
2.1.2. Other Associative Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria
2.2. Isolation of Microbial Strains
2.2.1. Isolation of endophytic bacteria from grass/rice roots
2.2.2. Isolation of Associative Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria from rice roots
2.2.3. Evaluation of N2 Fixation of Associative Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria
2.3. Inoculant Production
2.3.1. Associative Nitrogen Fixer
2.3.2. Mass Inocula Production
2.4. Application of biofertilizer from Associative Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria
2.4.1. Benefits of Biofertilizer
2.4.2. Application of Biofertilizer
2.4.3. Procedures for Growing Corn using Biofertilizer Inoculated Seeds in Indonesia
2.5. Tips on Buying and Storage
of Biofertilizers
2.6. Cautions and Limitations of Biofertilizer
3. Mycorrhiza
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Benefits of Mycorrhizal
3.3. Isolation of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
3.3.1. Taxonomy of AM fungi
3.3.2. Observation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in roots
3.3.3. Isolation of spores from soils and their observation for identification
3.3.4. Morphological observation of spores for identification
3.3.5. Culturing AM fungi
3.3.6. DNA extraction from spores
3.4. Inoculant Production
3.4.1 Preparation of trap culture inoculum of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal spores
3.4.2 Inoculation of AMF
3.4.3 Problems and potential for AMF inoculum production and utilization
3.5. Inoculant Application
3.6. Preservation and Precautions
4. Phosphate Solubilizers
4.1. Isolation of Microbial Strains
4.1.1. Mechanisms of phosphate solubilization
4.1.2. Isolation of mineral phosphate solubilizer
4.2. Inoculant Production
4.2.1. Cultivation
4.2.2. Collection
4.2.3. Formulation of inoculants using carrier materials
4.3. Inoculant Application
4.3.1. Inoculation method of phosphate solubilizer
4.3.2. Improvement of phosphate solubilizers
4.3.3. Case study of improvement of soil condition for phosphate solubilizers
on the fifty-years long-term experiment in rice paddy soils in Korea
V. Quality Control of Biofertilizers
1. General Concept of Quality Control
1.1. Definition of
1.2. Microbial Functions Newly Recommended as Biofertilizer
1.3. Properties of Microbial Products
1.4. Quality Management
2. Procedures for Quality Control of Biofertilizer
2.1. Rhizobium
2.1.1. Mother culture test
2.1.2. Broth test
2.1.3. Peat test
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