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Dr. Panjab Singh
Secretary, DARE & Director General, Indian Council of Agrl. Research
1. Biological fertilizers for sustainable productionin rice based cropping system - S. Kannaiyan
2. Recent phycotechnological advances concerning bio-N fertilization of rice - A. Vaishampayan
3. Certain recent developments in using cyanobacterial biofertilizers - V. Gayathri, S.R. Murugesan, G. Selvi, N. Anand
4. Cyanobacterial biofertilizer technology - B.D. Kaushik
5. Growth response and nitrogen fixation of rice field cyanobacteria to pesticides- J.K. Sahu and S.P. Adhikary
6. Growth, nitrogen fixation and extracellular amino acids of cyanobacteria from rice fields at different temperatures - H. Nayak and S.P. Adhikary
7. Effect of phyto-extracts harbouring insecticidal property on growth and nitrogen fixation of cyanobacteria - M.N. Jha, A.N. Prasad and S.K. Mishra
8. Effect of physico-chemical parameters on akinete differentiation and germination and its application in biomass production in Anabaena sp. - M. K. Shivaprakash, Vidya Kulkarni and Binu Koshy
9. Cyanobacterial biofertilizers for problem soils - G. Gopalaswamy
10. Assessment of growth and biomass production by cyanobacteria isolated from different soil environments - G. Selvakumar, G. Gopalaswamy and S. Kannaiyan
11. Characterisation of potential cyanobacterial strains for biofertilizer and their effect on paddy. - Chhaya D. Saboji and G.S. Geeta
12. Potential of coir waste based BGA fertilizer for paddy cultivation - P. Malliga
13. A new approach for inoculating cyanobacteria for rice cultivated in sodic soils - P. Pandiyarajan and P. Nagarajan
14. Mineralization pattern of nitrogen fixing green manures Sesbania rostrata and Azolla microphylla in wetland rice soil ecosystem and their effect on rice - S. Sundaravarathanand S. Kannaiyan
15. Estimation of biological nitrogen fixation by 15N isotope technique - K. Arulmozhiselvan
16. Effect on biofertilizers with graded levels of nitrogen on lowland rice and its carryover effect on succeeding crop of rapeseed - L.N. Singh
17. Effect of integrated nutrient management in rice – wheat cropping system in western Maharashtra - S.G. Gholve, S.K. Kamble and S.N. Shinde
18. Impact of Azolla biofertilizer on rice yield in Hirakud command areas of Orissa - K.C. Samal
19. Effect of Azolla biofertilizer on the growth and yield of rice in Coastal Karnataka - N.A. Janardhana Gowda, A.S. Kumaraswamy
T.R. Guruprasad and P.S. Herle
20. Performance of cyanobacterial and Azolla bioinoculants in rice in Coimbatore and Erode Districts of Tamil Nadu - P. Yasotha, K. Kumar and S. Kannaiyan
21. A new method for intercropping of Azolla in coconut gardens - R.Venkitaswamy
22. Azolla - a sustainable feed substitute for livestock with special emphasis on silpauline based production and feeding technique - P. Kamalasanan Pillai, S. Rajamony and S. Premalatha
23. Studies on Azospirillum associated with rice varieties - K. Govindarajan and K. Kavitha
24. Effect of Azospirillum inoculation on rice grown in acidic soils of Kerala - M. Govindan and C.K. Yamini Varma
25. Azospirillum – A biofertilizer for rainfed transplanted rice - K. Manjappa
26. Response of winter rice (Rabi) to inorganics and biofertilizers applications - P.M. Shanmugam, A. Balasubramanian and P.C. Prabu
27. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation in legumes associated with rice cropping systems - J. Prabakaran and M. Rangarajan
28. Induction of desiccation tolerance in greengram rhizobia - K. Kumutha, J. Sempavalan and K. Vijila
29. Formulation of stress tolerant bio-inoculants for rainfed cropping system - S.B. Gupta, K. Tedia, A. Singh, Anurag, N. Lakpale,
Anjali Pal and P.K. Chhonkar
30. Field evaluation of liquid and carrier based rhizobial inoculants in redgram - S. Gunasekaran, D. Balachandar and K. Mohana Sundaram
31. Studies on synergism between Rhizobium, plant growth promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) and phosphate solubilizing bacteria in blackgram - S. Gunasekaran, D. Balachandar and K. Mohana Sundaram
32. Harnessing stem nodule nitrogen fixing system for lowland rice - M.D. Sundaram
33. Induction of lateral rootlet formation, systemic translocation and endophytic colonization of Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS 571-IK-SK-M4 by its combined inoculation with Agrobacterium rhizogenes.- I. Kannan and S. Kannaiyan
34. Effect of seed inoculation of Azorhizobium caulinodans, Azospirillum brasilense and Pseudomonas fluorescens on their survival in the spermosphere and rhizosphere of cereal crops. - K. Amutha and S. Kannaiyan
35. Induction of nodulation in rice using Azorhizobium caulinodans under pot cultures conditions - K Amutha and S. Kannaiyan
36. Endophytic nitrogen fixation by Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus in sugarcane - M. Thangaraju
37. Occurrence of pink-pigmented facultative methylotrophic bacteria in tropical plants - M. Madhaiyan, Sp. Sundaram and S. Kannaiyan
38. Studies on pink-pigmented facultative methylotrophic bacteria on Glycine max - M. Madhaiyan, Sp. Sundaram and S. Kannaiyan
39. Effect of pink- pigmented facultative methylotrophic bacterial isolates on the cotton seed quality - M. Madhaiyan, Sp. Sundaram and S. Kannaiyan
40. A new mixed bioinoculum –‘azophos’ - K. Premalatha, P. Subramanian and S. Anthoni Raj
41. Soil solution phosphorus status and myco-rrhizal inoculation efficiency of selected tropical grain legumes in an alfisol - D. Pragatheswari, A. Manjunath, M. Madhaiyan and K. Kumutha
42. Effect of inoculation with vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus (Glomus mosseae) on selected tropical grain legumes - D. Pragatheswari, A. Manjunath and M. Madhaiyan
43. Screening of AM fungi for efficiency on growth and biochemical constituents of mulberry - K. Kumutha, Sp. Sundaram, J. Sempavalan and P. Santhanakrishnan
44. Effect of insoluble phosphate and dual inoculation on soybean - K. Kumutha, J.Sempavalan and P. Santhanakrishnan
45. Development of pellet formulation of sulphur oxidizing bacterium (SOB) for groundnut - R. Anandham and R. Sridar
46. Use of sulphur bacteria for increased yield and oil content of groundnut - R. Anandham and R. Sridar
47. Solubilization of silicate and concurrent release of phosphorus and potassium in rice ecosystem - S. Anthoni Raj
48. Isolation and characterization of zinc sol-ubilizing bacteria (ZSB) from paddy soil - V.S. Saravanan and S. Anthoni Raj
49. Cloning of new Bacillus thuringiensis genes for management of rice pests -V. Udayasuriyan, K. Lenin, M. Asia Mariam and M. Bharathi
50. Studies on the effect of Fusarium culture filtrate on paddy seedling development - K. Jeyaram, K. Govindarajan and S. Kannaiyan
51. Quality control and constraints in biofertilizer production technology - D.J. Bagyaraj
52. Current advances in production and quality control of rice based biofertiliser - R.N. Bisoyi
53. Importance of quality control in biofertilizers - M. Thangaraju
54. Molecular techniques for checking genetic purity of strains in the cyanobacterial inoculums - K. Kumar
55. Evaluation of nitrogen fixing potential, ammonia excretion and protein content of the cyanobacterial isolates under laboratory conditions for developing quality control standards for cyanobacterial biofertilizers - B. Jeberlin Prabina, K. Kumar and S. Kannaiyan
56. Growth pattern and chlorophyll content of the cyanobacterial strains for their utilization in the quality control of cyanobacterial biofertilizers. - B. Jeberlin Prabina , K. Kumar and S. Kannaiyan
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