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This book, primarily designed to cater to the needs of undergraduate and post graduate students of Agricultural Engineering and Agriculture, research scholars, professionals and policy planners associated with dryland farming or rain fed farming covers major topics on land and water resources and their management aspects. Entire content has been divided into 22 chapters with solved examples and case studies. First 4 chapters are devoted mainly in explaining the basic dryland farming, dryland engineering, rainfall and water balance analysis and climate, weather forecasting with solved examples and case studies. 18 chapters on land and water resources management aspects, implements used in different field operations and also on storage, value addition of agricultural products, livelihood security of dryland farmers with communication facilities and resources centre and alternate landuse planning and Watershed Management. A sincere attempt has been made to compile and present the text in quickly understandable form. Well drawn diagrams, understanding the Dryland Technology and livelihood aspects of dryland farmers. This could be a good text book for undergraduate and post graduate students, a reference tool for professional and good teaching material for teachers in the field of land and water resources management under dryland ecosystem, and also for scientists working in the field of rain fed farming.
Dr. O.P. Gill
Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology,
University Campus, Udaipur-313 001 (Raj.) INDIA
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