S.S. Sagwal
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The book, Essentials of Environmental Studies is a very nice attempt on the environment. A neat and clean environment is body guard of the human health. Therefore, it is the prime duty of every citizen to keep the environment in a very good condition. Keeping this in view, the present book has been attempted to write in a lucid and very simple language. It is earnestly hoped that the present book will certainly serve a great cause to gather a sound knowledge and the ways to save the same.
1. Environmental Factors
2. Environmental Factors
3. The Ecosystem
4. Ecological Zones of India
5. Natural Resources
6. Ecological Succession and Climax
7. Forest Fires and Environment
8. Environmental Pollution
9. Disaster
10. Conserving the Biodiversity
11. Environmental Ethics and Protection Legislation
12. Social Egresses and Environment
13. Human Population and Environment
14. Afforestation and Environment
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