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Forest Pathology Principles and Practice in Forestry


Forest Pathology Principles and Practice in Forestry


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The book consists of three parts, General principles of forest pathology are discussed in Part I. Following an account of the causes of the causes of the diseases, the plant parts affected are dealt with separately because the causal organisms, attacking seedlings, and also different parts of the tree belong to ecologically distinct groups. Part II deals with diseases of trees of the Indian subcontinent. An account is presented for all the disease of forest trees in India occurring in other countries to interest international readers. For exotic conifers, which are mostly in trial stage in India, diseases recorded in India are described, since diseases on them are fully described in other books. A feature that will be useful to reader who may not be familiar with Indian forests is the inclusion of silvicultural and management practices of major forests tree spices as they have a direct relation to the development of the disease. The causes, effects and control of microbial degradation of wood form the subject matter of part III. It is hoped that the book will be useful for students, plant pathologists and forest pathology in particular but also to scientists and foresters concerned with the problems of increasing wood production and its protection.

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