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Fundamentals of Plant Pathology


Fundamentals of Plant Pathology

S.K. Tripathi, M.S. Bhale , V.K. Yadav & Ashish Shrivastava

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Studies on phytopathogens had also been very interesting since centuries. Discovery of basic-glass magnifies had opened the new dimensions with the discovery of basic microscope. The microbial world is fantastically investigated, so as in case of plants. Beneficial and harmful microbes have been identified and being utilized for the purpose of crop production. The Plant Pathology discipline offers immense opportunities. Several outbreaks and potential threats have been investigated.

The book on Fundamentals of Plant Pathology will fulfill the education requirements of new generation education. The topics are selected as per the syllabus and presented in simplest way to be understood by students. Plant Pathology is the science that needs expertise in diagnosis, detection and concurrent adoption of management approaches.

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