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Fungal Diseases and their Management in Horticultural Crops


Fungal Diseases and their Management in Horticultural Crops

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Horticulture in India is fast emerging as a major commercial venture, because of higher remuneration per unit area and the realization that consumption of fruits and vegetables is essential for health and nutrition. In the last one decade, export potential of horticultural crops has also significantly increased attracting even multinationals into floriculture, processing and value added products. Productivity of horticultural crops in India is relatively low as compared to other countries. Of the several factors responsible for lower productivity of horticultural crops, fungal diseases are considered as important limiting factors. Diseases of horticultural crops continue to cause losses of about 10% of the crop yields worth more than Rs. 15,000 crores annually. More than 9,600 MT of technical grade fungicides are used annually to manage the diseases in India. The information on fungal diseases of horticultural crops is very much scattered. There is no such book at present which comprehensively and exclusively deals with the above aspects on horticultural crops. The present book deals with geographical distribution, symptoms, host range, life cycle, spread, survival and management of fungal diseases in horticultural crops in detail using regulatory, physical, cultural, chemical, biological, host plant resistance and integrated methods. The book is extensively illustrated with excellent quality photographs enhancing the quality of publication. This book is a practical guide to practicing farmers, useful reference to policy makers, research and extension workers and teachers for teaching undergraduate and post-graduate students.

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