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Insect-induced galls
in plants represent highly regulated growth manifestations in response to insect
feeding or egg laying. Physiological changes and signal-activated reactions in
plants result in the expression of galls that serve the nutritional and shelter
needs of the inducing insect. Variations in differentiation patterns occur in
galls induced by insects of different taxonomic groups. Fascinating diversity
of gall-inducing insects and their galls has attracted attention of many
researchers. In some instances plants suffer extensive
damage affecting their performance and productivity and even experience death.
Keeping these aspects in mind the present volume highlights the current situation
of gall inducing arthropods on forest trees, a reassessment in terms of their
status, associated natural enemies, spread to other related and unrelated
plants particularly forest tree species. The chapters provide insights into the interactions of some of the gall inducing
insect species with trees.
1. What physiological plant pathology can teach us?
2. Gall aphids (Hemiptere: Aphididae) and aphid galls in India- Present scenario and future actions.
3. Molecular basis of rice – gall midge interactions.
4. Advanced Biochemical studies on some tree galls of semi-arid lands of North India.
5. Transcriptome analysis of the gall pest, Leptocybe invasa, and development of a multigene targeting hairpin RNAi construct for incorporating tolerance in Eucalyptus
6. Gall inducing Thrips (Insecta: Thysanoptera) of North East India
7. Plant Galls: Hitherto untapped focus on positive approach
8. Resurgence of Eucalyptus gall wasp and its management strategies
9. Establishment of Eucalyptus gall wasp, Leptocybe invasa (Fisher and La Selle)and its effect upon Eucalyptus plantation in Tamilnadu.
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