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Genopsych: A Coinage in the Foundry of Biology


Genopsych: A Coinage in the Foundry of Biology

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Enormous advances in science led to compartmentalization of knowledge into specializations and super specializations so much so that a specialist in one area refuses to look into the other area. Interdisciplinary research is mainly in the applied areas. On the other hand some scientists are enthusiastically exploring less traveled paths. Plant neurobiology and Plant intelligence are the areas that are now being rediscovered. Consciousness is yet another field that is making its way into science from spiritual philosophies. How many of us know that the subject of Human Thermodynamics is being explored though by a small group as of now? The area of Epigenetics is expanding. What caused Human evolution? Can selected random [generally explained as accidental] causes result into the formation of a highly ordered / programmed systems as complex as Human beings in the absence of any drive? Is not natural selection a control/filtering mechanism? What is the meaning of evolutionary forces or selection pressure ? Are the concepts of Statistical Process Control, that deal with the random/nonrandom variations, applicable to the process of evolution by natural selection? What causes the evolution of organized societies? Is poverty less, civil human society viable? These are some of the questions that demand interaction among and across the disciplines, which is often delimited by the boundaries and semantics of disciplines. Humanity, after reaping the harvest of Integrated Technologies, is ushering into an era of Converging Technologies which would necessitate communication bridges between Science and Philosophy, Biology, Physics, Agriculture, Medical Sciences, Engineering and Informatics and other diverse areas of knowledge; and that too with escalated openness. In order to encourage such transdisciplinary interactions, forums were launched at www.network.nature.com and http://knol.google. com/k/arvind-kumar-purohit/ and after post publication open review of tangible ideas the works have been published as Transcience Transactions.

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