Home Books Agriculture Glossary of Indian Crops

Glossary of Indian Crops


Glossary of Indian Crops

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The book, entitled, Glossary of Indian Crops has been written according to the English alphabetical order of crops and crop-words (i.e. same crop, having different names), for obtaining total number. The total number is 1164. The crops, have been given here in English / generic names with serial numbers. The names of the crops / species and their common names, have been written with bold letters, whereas the scientific names and the family names, have been italicized. All the crops have been described, in short, mentioning the scientific names, common names, family names, types / natures, growing period and also the conditions, utilization, NPK-fertilizer requirements (if any), soil types, irrigation schedules, crop-speciality, by-product utilization, economic yields and other important points, through a loose format. In the same crop, the different species under same genus have been mentioned with three small italicized letters at the end of the crop, whereas same crop with different genus and species, have been given with three italicized letters each of both genus and species with a slash (/) in between. The English alphabetical order of crops and crop-words, have been maintained chronologically within alphabets, as far as possible. Every man, concerning agriculture, needs this book, for his knowledge in crops, throughout his entire life.

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