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The book, entitled, Glossary of Indian Crops has been written according to the English alphabetical order of crops and crop-words (i.e. same crop, having different names), for obtaining total number. The total number is 1164. The crops, have been given here in English / generic names with serial numbers. The names of the crops / species and their common names, have been written with bold letters, whereas the scientific names and the family names, have been italicized. All the crops have been described, in short, mentioning the scientific names, common names, family names, types / natures, growing period and also the conditions, utilization, NPK-fertilizer requirements (if any), soil types, irrigation schedules, crop-speciality, by-product utilization, economic yields and other important points, through a loose format. In the same crop, the different species under same genus have been mentioned with three small italicized letters at the end of the crop, whereas same crop with different genus and species, have been given with three italicized letters each of both genus and species with a slash (/) in between. The English alphabetical order of crops and crop-words, have been maintained chronologically within alphabets, as far as possible. Every man, concerning agriculture, needs this book, for his knowledge in crops, throughout his entire life.
1. Acacia (sum.); 2. Acanthus; 3. Acetosella; 4. Adzuki bean; 5. Aestivum wheat; 6. Afra; 7. African black-wood; 8. African millet; 9. African spinach; 10. Agallocha; 11. Agati sesbania; 12. Agave (ame.); 13. Agave (sis.); 14. Agropyron; 15. Ajmud; 16. Alfalfa; 17. Alisma; 18. Alligator pear; 19. Allophylus; 20. Allspice tree; 21. Aloe (bar.); 22. Aloe (can.); 23. Alternanthera (amo.); 24. Alternanthera (ses.); 25. Amara Albizia; 26. Amaranth (spi.); 27. Amaranth grain (cru.); 28. Amaranth (tri.); 29. American arbor-vitae; 30. Ammi; 31. Amoena; 32. Anagallis; 33. Andropogon; 34. Angelonia; 35. Angled loofah; 36. Anise; 37. Anjan grass; 38. Annual phlox; 39. Antiquorum; 40. Aponogeton; 41. Apple mint; 42. Apple of Peru; 43. Apple; 44. Apricot; 45. Arab-jasmine (sam.); 46. Arabian coffee; 47. Arabian jasmine (off.); 48. Arecanut; 49. Argemone; 50. Arjun; 51. Arrowhead; 52. Arrowroot; 53. Arum (ant.); 54. Arum (esc.); 55. Arum lily; 56. Arum (general); 57. Arum (esc. / ant.); 58. Arum (aru./esc.); 59. Arum (different); 60. Arvensis digera; 61. Ash gourd; 62. Ash-coloured fleabane; 63. Asiatic centella; 64. Asiatic cotton (her.); 65. Asiatic cotton (hir.); 66. Asiatic penny wort; 67. Asiatic yam; 68. Asoka tree; 69. Asparagus; 70. Assaipalm; 71.Assam rubber tree; 72.Assam sal; 73. Aster; 74. Asteracantha; 75. Auriculatum; 76. Australian black-wood; 77. Australian fanpalm; 78. Avocado; 79. Aztec marigold;
80. Babool; 81. Babul acacia; 82. Babul; 83. Baccaurea; 84. Bacopa; 85. Bael; 86. Bahama grass; 87. Bajra; 88. Bamboo (bal.); 89. Bamboo (tul.); 90. Banana passion fruit; 91. Banana shrub; 92. Banana; 93. Banyan; 94. Baobab; 95. Bara khamo; 96. Barbadensis; 97. Barbados aloe; 98. Barbados pride; 99. Barbatum; 100. Barley; 101. Barnyard grass (col.); 102. Barnyard grass (cru.); 103. Barnyard millet (col.); 104. Barnyard millet (cru.); 105. Bassia fat; 106. Bastard teak (ery./var.); 107. Bastard teak (pre./tom); 108. Bay tree; 109. Bayen; 110. Bay run tree; 111. Beet root; 112. Beggar weed; 113. Belladonna; 114. Bellyache bush; 115. Bengal cardamom; 116. Bengal kino; 117. Bengal quince; 118. Bengal vetch; 119. Bengalgram; 120. Benghalensis ficus; 121. Benteak; 122. Bermuda grass; 123. Berseem; 124. Betel pepper; 125. Betel-nut palm; 126. Betelvine; 127. Betel piper; 128. Big marigold; 129. Bina; 130. Bird-of-paradise; 131. Bird-wood; 132. Bitter gourd; 133. Black cumin; 134. Black medick; 135. Black mustard; 136. Black nightshade; 137. Black pepper; 138. Black psyllium; 139. Black salsify; 140. Black siris; 141. Black wattle; 142. Blackgram; 143. Black-wood acacia; 144. Blinding tree; 145. Blonde psyllium; 146. Blumea; 147. Boerhaavia; 148. Borecole; 149. Bo-tree; 150. Bottle gourd; 151. Bottle palm; 152. Bougainvillea; 153. Bourbon lily; 154. Bourbon rose; 155. Brachiaria (def.); 156. Brachiaria (ram.); 157. Brazilian Lucerne; 158. Bread-fruit; 159. Brinjal; 160. Broad bean; 161. Broccole; 162. Broomjute sida; 163. Brussels sprouts; 164. Buckwheat (cym.); 165. Buckwheat (esc.); 166. Bud-bearing cabbage; 167. Bulace; 168. Bulbifera dioscorea; 169. Bullock’s heart; 170. Burlock clover; 171. Burweed; 172. Butterfly bush; 173. Butterfly pea; 174. Butterfly pea plant;
175. Cabbage palm (roy./ole.); 176. Cabbage palm (liv./aus.); 177. Cabbage palm (ore./ole.); 178. Cabbage; 179. Cacao; 180. Cadamba; 181. Cajan pea; 182. Calambac; 183. Caltrops; 184. Camphor; 185. Canary grass (aqu.); 186. Canary grass (min.); 187. Candle-nut; 188. Cane (rot.); 189. Cane (gur.); 190. Cannabis; 191. Cantala; 192. Cape-jasmine; 193. Capsicum; 194. Capsularis jute; 195. Carambola; 196. Cardamom; 197. Carissa; 198. Carrot; 199. Cashew; 200. Cashewnut; 201. Cassava; 202. Cassie; 203. Castanopsis; 204. Castor; 205. Castor-bean; 206. Castor-oil plant; 207. Castor-seed; 208. Casuarina; 209. Cat’s tail (aus.); 210. Cat’s tail (ele.); 211. Cat-tail millet; 212. Cauliflower; 213. Celeriac; 214. Celery; 215. Celosia; 216. Century plant; 217. Cephaelis; 218. Ceylon bowstring hemp; 219. Champac; 220. Charcoal tree; 221. Chayote; 222. Cherimoya; 223. Cherry laurel; 224. Cherry; 225. Chickling pea; 226. Chickpea; 227. Child-life tree; 228. Chillies (cap.); 229. Chillies (ann.); 230. China grass; 231. China mat-grass; 232. Chinese cabbage; 233. Chinese chive; 234. Chinese date (mau.); 235. Chinese date (rot.); 236. Chinese hibiscus; 237. Chinese mat-grass; 238. Chinese pear; 239. Chinese spinach; 240. Chinese-rose; 241. Chitra beez; 242. Chive; 243. Chloris grass; 244. Chocho; 245. Christophine; 246. Cinchona; 247. Chinamon; 248. Citronella grass; 249. Climbing ‘Ylang-ylang’; 250. Clinogyne; 251. Clove; 252. Cluster bean; 253. Cluster fig; 254. Coarctata rice; 255. Cochinchinensis; 256. Cocklebur; 257. Cocoa; 258. Coconut; 259. Coffee; 260. Cogon grass; 261. Colocasia (ant.); 262. Commelina; 263. Common or wild marjoram; 264. Common calla; 265. Common custard-apple; 266. Common emetic nut; 267. Common English dog rose; 268. Common fern; 269. Common millet (aeg.); 270. Common millet (mil.); 271. Common purslane; 272. Common reed-grass; 273. Common vetch (ind.); 274. Common vetch (sat.); 275. Confederate rose; 276. Coal tree; 277. Corchorus weed; 278. Coriander; 279. Coriander leaf; 280. Cork oak; 281. Corn (kharif); 282. Corn (summer); 283. Corn (winter); 284. Cotton (hir.); 285. Cotton rose; 286. Couch grass; 287. Country mallow (abu./ind.); 288. Country-mallow (sid./cor.); 289. Cowpea (vex.); 290. Cowpea (ung.); 291. Crape-jasmine; 292. Crape-myrtle; 293. Croton weed; 294. Croton (cro./tig.); 295. Crotons (cod./var.); 296. Crow-foot (dac./aeg.); 297. Crow-foot (ele./aeg.); 298. Crumple lily; 299. Cuban royal palm; 300. Cucumber; 301. Cudweed; 302. Cumin; 303. Curled dock; 304. Curry-leaf tree; 305. Custard-apple;
306. Dahlia; 307. Darjeelingorange; 308. Darnal grass; 309. Date palm (dac.); 310. Date palm (aca.); 311. Datura (str.); 312. Datura (inn.); 313. Datura (met.); 314. Day-jessamine; 315. Deadly night shade; 316. Deenanath grass; 317. Deep-water-paddy; 318. Deflexa; 319. Delonix; 320. Deodar; 321. Derris; 322. Devil’s tree; 323. Dhaincha;. 324. Dhencha; 325. Diander; 326. Difformis nut-grass; 327. Digera; 328. Digitalis; 329. Digitaria; 330. Dill (sow.); 331. Dill (gra.); 332. Dioscorea (ala.); 333. Dioscorea (esc.); 334. Dish-cloth gourd; 335. Dita-bark tree; 336. Donax grass; 337. Double coconut palm; 338. Dracaena; 339. Dracontium; 340. Drummond phlox; 341. Drumstick tree; 342. Durum wheat; 343. Dwarf cherry;
344. Eagle-wood; 345. East Indian arrow root; 346. East Indian lotus; 347. East Indian tobacco; 348. Echinochloa; 349. Eclipta; 350. Edible passion fruit; 351. Egg plant; 352. Egyptian clover; 353. Egyptian cotton; 354. Egyptian onion; 355. Egyptian privet; 356. Egyptian top onion; 357. Eichhornia; 358. Elaeocarpus; 359. Elephant apple (aeg./mar.); 360. Elephant apple (dil./ind.); 361. Elephant grass (pen./pur.); 362. Elephant grass (typ./aus.); 363. Elephant grass (typ./ele.); 364. Elephant-apple; 365. Elephant-foot-yam; 366. Emblic; 367. Emmer wheat; 368. Enhydra; 369. Equisetum; 370. Ergot; 371. Eucalyptus; 372. Euphorbia; 373. European grape; 374. European white waterlily; 375. Eve’s apron; 376. Eyebright;
377. False pareira root; 378. False sandal-wood; 379. Faraz bean; 380. Faster lily; 381. Fatua; 382. Fennel; 383. Fenugreek; 384. Fern palm; 385. Ferox; 386. Field bean; 387. Field horsetail; 388. Field mint; 389. Field pea; 390. Fig; 391. Finger millet; 392. Fire-flame bush; 393. Fistulosa; 394. Flame-of-the forest (but./mon.); 395. Flame-of-the-forest (cei./pen.); 396. Flax; 397. Floating rice; 398. Floribundus; 399. Floss flower (con.); 400. Floss flower (hou.); 401. Foreign henna; 402. Fowl-foot-grass; 403. Fox tail; 404. Foxglove; 405. Fox-grape; 406. Fragrant albizia; 407. Fragrant onion; 408. French bean; 409. French lavender; 410. French marigold; 411. Fumitory;
412. Gamba grass; 413. Gamba; 414. Gambier; 415. Garan; 416. Garden asparagus; 417. Garden balsam; 418. Garden beet; 419. Garden celery; 420. Garden chrysanthemum; 421. Garden jasmine; 422. Garden nasturtium; 423. Garden pea; 424. Garlic; 425. Geranium; 426. Giant arbor-vitae; 427. Giant bamboo; 428. Giant taro (cue.); 429. Giant taro (ind.); 430. Giant taro (mac.); 431. Gingelly; 432. Ginger grass; 433. Ginger lily; 434. Ginger; 435. Gladio-lus; 436. Glauca; 437. Gliricidia; 438. Globe artichoke; 439. Gnaphalium; 440. Goat weed (con.); 441. Goat’s horn mangrove; 442. Golden dock (cri.); 443. Golden dock (mar.); 444. Golden-shower; 445. Gomuti palm; 446. Goose grass; 447. Gorgan nut; 448. Goria; 449. Gram; 450. Grandiflora sesbania; 451. Grape; 452. Grasspea; 453. Greater galangal; 454. Greater yam; 455. Green banana; 456. Green doughlas fir; 457. Greengram; 458. Grewla; 459. Grossus; 460. Groundnut; 461. Guava; 462.Guinea guava; 463. Gulancha; 464. Gum-arabic acacia; 465. Gwala kakri
466. Harichampa; 467. Heart’s ease; 468. Hemp; 469. Henna; 470. Hevea rubber; 471. Hilograss (con.); 472. Hilograss (dis.); 473. Himalayan cedar; 474. Himalayan musk rose; 475. Himalayan rhubarb; 476. Hiptage; 477. Hoary basil; 478. Hog millet; 479. Hogplum; 480. Hogweed; 481. Hollow bamboo; 482. Hollyhock; 483. Honey tree; 484. Hop clover; 485. Horse-radish; 486. Horse tamarind; 487. Horsegram; 488. Horse-purslane (boe./dif.); 489. Horse-purselane (tri./mon.); 490. Horse-radish tree; 491. Huban clover; 492. Humble-plant; 493. Hyacinth bean (dol./lab.); 494. Hyacinth bean (lab./pur); 495. Hygrophila; 496. Hygroryza; 497. Hymenachne;
498. Icelandpoppy; 499. Illipe butter; 500 Imperata; 501. Indian abutilon; 502. Indian acalypha; 503. Indian almond; 504. Indian arrowroot; 505. Indian belladonna; 506. Indian birthwort; 507. Indian bowstring hemp; 508. Indian butter-tree; 509. Indian cassia; 510. Indian copal-tree; 511. Indian cork tree; 512. Indian corn (kharif); 513. Indian corn (summer); 514. Indian corn (winter); 515. Indian crab apple; 516. Indian dill; 517. Indian drug squill; 518. Indian horse-chestnut; 519. Indian laburnum; 520. Indian laurel; 521. Indian leek; 522. Indian lettuce (ind.); 523. Indian lettuce (sat.); 524. Indian liquorice; 525. Indian lotus; 526. Indian mustard; 527. Indian nettle tree; 528. Indian olive; 529. Indian poplar; 530. Indian rape; 531. Indian red waterlily; 532. Indian reed-mace; 533. Indian rhododendron; 534. Indian rhubarb; 535. Indian rose-wood; 536. Indian rubber tree; 537. Indian saltwort; 538. Indian sorrel; 539. Indian spinach; 540. Indian tobacco; 541. Indian white rose; 542. Ingyin; 543. Ipecac; 544. Isaphgol; 545. Ischaemum; 546. Isopgul; 547. Israil babool; 548. Italian millet; 549. Ivy gourd; 550. Ixora;
551. Jacaranda; 552. Jack tree (art./het.); 553. Jackal jujube; 554. Jackfruit; 555. Jackfruit tree; 556. Jack-tree; 557. Jalpai; 558. Jamaica dogwood; 559. Jamaica pepper tree; 560. Jamaica sorrel; 561. Jamaican sorrel; 562. Jambolana; 563. Japan medlar; 564. Japanese peppermint; 565. Japanese wax tree; 566. Jarosse; 567. Jasmine; 568. Jasminum (aur.); 569. Jasminum (off.); 570. Jatropha; 571. Java cassia; 572. Java plum; 573. Java tea; 574. Jerusalem artichoke; 575. Jews mallow; 576. Jimson weed; 577. Jujube (mau.); 578 Jujube (rot.); 579. Jungle flame (Ixora); 580. Jute (cap.); 581. Jute (oli.)
582. Kadam; 583. Kaempferia; 584. Kale; 585. Kalmegh; 586. Kamala tree; 587. Kankra; 588. Kapok; 589. Karanda; 590. Karenpotato; 591. Kazungula grass; 592. Keora; 593. Khamo; 594. Khas-khas; 595. Kidney bean; 596. Kidney tea plant; 597. King-of-bitters; 598. Knol-kohl; 599. Knot grass; 600. Kochia; 601. Kodo millet; 602. Kohlrabi; 603. Kokko; 604. Kovai fruit (gra.); 605. Kovai fruit (ind.)
606. Lablab bean (dol/lab.); 607. Lablab bean (lab./pur.); 608. Lac tree; 609. Lady’s finger; 610. Lambs-quarters; 611. Lanatum grass; 612. Lanceolaria; 613. Lantana; 614. Lappa clover; 615. Large white petunia; 616. Launaea; 617. Laurel wood; 618. Lavender; 619. Leaf-mustard; 620. Lebbeck tree; 621. Leechee; 622. Leek; 623. Leersia grass; 624. Lemon grass; 625. Lemon mint; 626. Lemon (aur.); 627. Lemon (lim.); 628. Lemon-scented eucalyptus; 629. Lemon-wood; 630. Lentil; 631. Lesser Indian reed-mace; 632. Lesser yam; 633. Lettuce tree; 634. Lettuce; 635.Levant cotton; 636. Licorice; 637. Lime; 638. Limon; 639. Linseed; 640. Liquorice; 641. Litchi; 642. Little croton; 643. Little millet; 644. Longon; 645. Loquat; 646. Lotus; 647. Lovage; 648. Lucern; 649. Lycopersicon; 650. Lycopersicum;
651. Macassar oil tree; 652. Madablata; 653. Madagascar periwinkle; 654. Madagascarplum; 655. Madar; 656. Madonna lily; 657. Madre tree (mac.); 658. Madre tree (sep.); 659. Mahoe; 660. Mahogani; 661. Mahua tree; 662. Maize (kharif); 663. Maize (pre-kharif); 664. Maize (winter); 665. Malabar nut; 666. Malabar tallow tree; 667. Mallows; 668. Malva mallows; 669. Malva; 670. Mandarin orange; 671. Mango; 672. Mango-ginger; 673. Mangosteen; 674. Mangrove; 675. Manihot; 676. Manila grass; 677. Manila maguey; 678. Manioc; 679. Margosa tree; 680. Marking-nut tree; 681. Marrow; 682. Marsilea (min.); 683. Marsilea (qua.); 684. Marvel grass; 685. Mat bean; 686. Mauritius grass; 687. Malochia; 688. Melothria; 689. Mesta (can.); 690. Mesta (sab.); 691. Metel datura; 692. Mexican prickly poppy; 693. Meyeriana; 694. Michaelmus; 695. Michelia; 696. Mikania; 697. Millow; 698. Mint; 699. Mist flower (con.); 700. Mist flowr (hou.); 701, Mollugo; 702. Momordica; 703. Mongoose plant; 704. Monkey bread tree; 705. Monkey jack; 706. Monkey-face tree; 707. Monkey-pod; 708. Moonflower; 709. Moth bean; 710. Mowra fat; 711. Muchkand; 712. Mungbean; 713. Muskmelon; 714. Mustard tree; 715. Mustard (jun.); 716. Mustard (nig.);
717. Napier grass; 718. Nasturtium (garden); 719. Natal plum; 720. Natans; 721. Neem tree; 722. Negro tea; 723. Neptunia; 724. Newzealand spinach; 725. Nicotiana (plu.); 726.Niger; 727. Niger-seed; 728. Nightshade (black); 729. Nilotica acacia; 730. Nipa palm; 731. Nobelcane; 732. Nutgrass; 733. Nutmeg; 734. Nux-vomica; 735. Nymphoides;
736. Oat; 737. Obliqua; 738. Oenanthe; 739. Oil-palm; 740. Okra; 741. Old-world arrow-head; 742. Olea; 743. Oleander; 744. Olitorius jute; 745. Onion; 746. Opium poppy; 747. Orange jessamine; 748. Oregon pine; 749. Oriental arbor-vitae; 750. Oriental poppy; 751. Oriental sweet gum; 752. Oryza (coa.); 753. Oryzicola; 754. Ottelia;
755. Paddy (aman); 756. Paddy (aus); 757. Paddy (boro); 758. Paddy (general, including deep-water-paddy); 759. Pale catechu; 760. Palmarosa grass; 761. Palmiste; 762. Palmyra palm; 763. Paludosa; 764. Pansy; 765. Papaw; 766. Papaya; 767. Para rubber; 768. Paradise flower; 769. Paragrass (mut.); 770. Para palm; 771. Para rubber; 772. Parsley; 773. Parthenium; 774. Paspalum; 775. Patchouly (cab.); 776. Patchouly (per.); 777. Patol; 778. Pea (arv.); 779. Pea (sat.); 780. Peach; 781. Peacock flowr (cae./pul.); 782. Peacock-flower (del./reg.); 783. Peanut; 784. Pear; 785. Pearl millet; 786. Peepul; 787. Pelargonium; 788. Pepper wort; 789. Pepper; 790. Peppermint; 791. Perennial buckwheat; 792. Persian clover; 793. Persian cyclamen; 794. Peru balsam tree; 795. Pes-tigridis; 796. Phalaris grass (min.); 797. Phalaris grass (aqu.); 798. Phalsa; 799. Phoenix; 800. Phragmites; 801. Phyllanthus; 802. Physic nut; 803. Picta; 804. Pigeonpea; 805. Pigweed; 806. Pimento tree; 807. Pineapple; 808. Piney varnish tree; 809. Pink-mohur; 810. Pinnata garuga; 811. Plains bamboo; 812. Planifrons acacia; 813. Plantain; 814. Plum; 815. Plumbaginifolia; 816. Pogostemon; 817. Pointed gourd; 818. Polyacantha; 819. Polygonum (bar.); 820. Polygonum (ple.); 821. Pomegranate; 822. Pongam; 823. Portulacaria (afr.); 824. Portulaca (gra.); 825. Portulaca (ole.); 826. Potmarjoram; 827. Potamogeton; 828. Potato; 829. Potato-yam; 830. Pot-marigold; 831. Premna; 832. Prickly pear; 833. Procera albizia; 834. Proso millet; 835. Pseudostachyum bamboo; 836. Pumkin; 837. Pummelo; 838. Pumpkin; 839. Purging cassia; 840. Purple fleabane; 841. Purple granadila; 842. Purple teprosia; 843. Purple vetch; 844. Putranjiva;
845. Quadrifolia marsilea; 846. Queen crape-myrtle (spe.); 847.Queensland nut; 848. Queenland turpentine; 849. Quinine;
850. Radish; 851. Ragi; 852. Railway creeper; 853. Rain-tree; 854. Rama; 855. Ramie; 856. Ramontchi; 857. Ramosa; 858. Rantil; 859. Rapa brassica; 860. Rape (cam.); 861. Rauvolfia root; 862. Red clover; 863. Red gourd; 864. Redgram; 865. Red pepper; 866. Red pumkin; 867. Red silk-cotton; 868. Redgram; 869. Reptans ipomoea; 870. Rhizophora; 871. Rhodes grass; 872. Rhoea; 873. Ribbed gourd; 874. Rice (aman); 875. Rice (aus, aman, boro & deep-water-rice i.e. all general rice); 876. Rice (aus, direct seeded in pre kharif); 877. Rice (boro); 878. Rice (deep-water); 879. Ricebean; 880. Rice-grass; 881. Ridged gourd; 882. Ringworm cassia; 883. Risemary; 884. Rosha grass; 885. Rose apple; 886. Rose geranium; 887. Rose; 888.Roselle; 889. Rose-moss; 890. Rose-of-China; 891. Rose-of-Sharon; 892. Rostrata sesbania; 893. Rosy milk-weed; 894. Rotundus cyperus; 895. Rotundus; 896. Round gourd; 897. Round-leaved mint; 898. Royal poinciana; 899. Rubber; 900. Rustica tobacco;
901. Sacred lotus; 902. Safflower; 903. Saffron crocus; 904. Saffron teak; 905. Sagittaria; 906. Sago palm (are./pin.); 907. Sago palm/met./sag); 908. Sago palm (cyc./rev.); 909. Sal; 910. Sal sola; 911. Salty camel-fodder; 912. Sand pear; 913. Sansevieria; 914. Sapida; 915. Sapodilla; 916. Schoenoprasum allium; 917. Scirpus; 918. Scoparia; 919. Screwpine; 920. Sea-blite; 921. Sea-island cotton; 922. Sea-onion; 923. Senna (Indian senna); 924. Sensitive plant; 925. Serpent gourd; 926. Serpentine root; 927. Serpentine; 928. Sesame; 929. Sessilis; 930. Setaria; 931. Shaddock; 932. Shama millet; 933. Shantung cabbage; 934. Shattered rice; 935. Sheep sorrel; 936. She-oak; 937. Shiranjitea; 938. Shoe-flower; 939. Shrubby althaea; 940. Shrubby basil; 941. Siberian mother-wort; 942. Sickle senna; 943. Silk cotton (bom./mal.); 944. Silk cotton (cei./pen.); 945. Silver wattle; 946. Siris; 947. Sisal; 948. Sissoo; 949. Slipper thorn; 950. Small fennel; 951. Smooth loofah; 952. Snake gourd; 953. Solapith; 954. Sophera senna; 955. Sorgho; 956. Sorghum; 957. Sour cherry; 958. Sowa (gra.); 959. Sowa (sow.); 960. Soybean; 961. Spanish dagger-plant; 962. Spearmint; 963. Spinach (Indian) (bas./alb.); 964. Spinach (spi./ole,.); 965. Spinarum carissa; 966. Spiny bamboo; 967. Sporobolus; 968. Spotted gliricidia (mac.); 969. Spotted gliricidia (sep.); 970. Spring vetch; 971. Squash; 972. Stagnina; 973. Star ipomoea; 974. Stramonium; 975. Strawberry clover; 976. Strawberry guava; 977. Strawberry tomato; 978. Strawberry; 979. Sylo; 980. Styrax; 981. Suaveolens; 982. Sudan ebony; 983. Sudan grass; 984. Sugar beet; 985. Sugar palm; 986. Sugar sorghum; 987. Sugarcane; 988. Suma; 989. Summer squash; 990. Sunberry; 991. Sundri; 992. Sunflower; 993. Sunnhemp; 994. Swamp cabbage; 995. Sweet acacia; 996. Sweet clover (ind.); 997. Sweet clover (par.); 998. Sweet flag; 999. Sweet gourd; 1000. Sweet lime; 1001. Sweet orange (aur.); 1002. Sweet orange (sin.); 1003. Sweet potato; 1004. Sweet-scented marigold; 1005. Sword bean;
1006. Tal; 1007. Tall morning-glory; 1008. Tallow-wood; 1009. Tam; 1010. Tamarind; 1011. Tamarindo; 1012. Tampala; 1013. Tangerine; 1014. Tapioca; 1015. Tarai bamboo; 1016. Taro (ant.); 1017. Taro (esc.); 1018. Tasmanian blue-gum; 1019. Tea; 1020. Teak; 1021. Tel; 1022. Telugo potato; 1023. Temple / Pagoda tree; 1024. Temulentum lolium; 1025. Teosinte; 1026. Terminalia (arj.); 1027. Terminalia (bel.); 1028. Thin napier; 1029. Thorn apple; 1030. Thorny bamboo; 1031. Thunberg kudzu vine; 1032. Tiger lily; 1033. Tiglium; 1034. Tiny vetch; 1035. Tobacco (rus.); 1036. Tobacco (tab.); 1037. Tolu balsam tree; 1038. Tomato; 1039. Toowamba; 1040. Top onion; 1041. Tortilis acacia; 1042. Tortilis; 1043. Tossa jute; 1044. Tradescantia; 1045. Trailing indigo; 1046. Tree cotton; 1047. Tree datura; 1048. Tree jasmine; 1049. Tricolor chrysanthemum; 1050. Tridax; 1051. Trilobata; 1052. Tropical almond; 1053. Tropical duckweed; 1054. True mangrove; 1055. Trumpet lily; 1056. Tuba root; 1057. Tube-flower; 1058. Tuberose; 1059. Tulip poppy; 1060. Tumbuggaia; 1061. Turk’s turban; 1062. Turkish thorn apple; 1063. Turkish tobacco; 1064. Turmeric; 1065. Turnip; 1066. Tuscan jasmine (off.); 1067. Tuscanian jasmine (sam.); 1068. Twining climber; 1069. Twitch grass; 1070. Typha (ele.);
1071. Umbrella thorn; 1072. Ulla grass; 1073. Upland cotton;
1074. Varnish tree; 1075. Vegetable beet; 1076. Vegetable sponge (acu.); 1077. Vegetable sponge (aeg.); 1078. Vernonia; 1079. Vetiver; 1080. Vetiveria; 1081. Vexillata, 1082. Vossia;
1083. Walnut; 1084. Water chestnut; 1085. Water cress; 1086. Water crow-foot; 1087. Water dropwort; 1088. Water fennel; 1089. Water grass; 1090. Water lettuce; 1091. Water nut-grass; 1092. Water pepper; 1093. Water plantain; 1094. Water spinach (rep.); 1095. Waterfowl-food; 1096. Waterhyacinth; 1097. Water-lemon; 1098. Watermelon; 1099. Water spinach; 1100. Watery rose-apple; 1101. Welsh onion; 1102. West Indian arrowroot; 1103. West Indian mahogany; 1104. Wheat (aes.); 1105. Wheat (dic.); 1106. Wheat (dur.); 1107. White cedar; 1108. White champa; 1109. White clover; 1110. White corallina; 1111. White cottage rose; 1112. White cutch; 1113. White damar; 1114. White datura; 1115. White gourd; 1116. White gulmohur; 1117. White jute (cap.); 1118. White lupine; 1119. White mangrove; 1120. White popinac; 1121. White sandal wood; 1122. white squill; 1123. White sweet-clover (alb.); 1124. White yam; 1125. Wild brinjal; 1126. Wild jasmine; 1127. Wild jatropha; 1128. Wild jujube;1129. Wild mangosteen; 1130. Wild oat; 1131. Wild rue; 1132. Wild tobacco; 1133. Wild tomato; 1134. Wild varnish tree; 1135. Windsor bean; 1136. Wine grape; 1137. Wine palm; 1138. Winter cherry; 1139. Winter flax; 1140. Wood apple (aeg./mar.); 1141. Wood-apple (lim./aci.); 1142. Woody nightshade; 1143. Worm wood senna;
1144. Xanthium; 1145. Ximenia; 1146. Xymalos;
1147. Yam; 1148. Yambean; 1149. Yellow berried nightshade (xan.); 1150; Yellow dock; 1151. Yellow flax; 1152. Yellow granadilla; 1153. Yellow jasmine; 1154. Yellow mallow tree; 1155. Yellow strawberry; 1156. Yellow sweet clover; 1157. Yellow teak; 1158. Yellow trefoil; 1159. Yellow vetchling; 1160. Yellow-berried nightshade (sur.); 1161. Yucca;
1162. Zinnia; 1163. Ziziphus; 1164. Zoysia
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