K.V. Krishnamurthy & Series Editor: Anantanarayanan Raman
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1. Basic Concepts and Definitions
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Levels of Structural Organization in Higher Plants
1.3.1. Formal Methods of Representing Development
1.3.2. Controls in Development
1.4.1. Types of Growth
1.4.2. Growth Kinetics
1.5. Ontogeny
1.6. Differentiation, Dedifferentiation, Redifferentiation and Transdifferentiation
1.7. Meristems
1.7.1. Types of Meristems
1.8. Initials and Stem Cells
1.9. Determination, Commitment, Competence and Position Effect
1.10. Pattern Formation
1.11. Polarity
1.12. Morphology and Morphogenesis
1.13. Plant Growth Regulators
1.14. Abnormal Growth
1.15. Evolution and Plant Development
2. Signalling Molecules and Growth Regulators
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Signalling
2.2.1. Concept of Target Cells
2.2.2. Receptors of Signals
2.2.3. Second Messengers, Calcium and Protein Kinases
2.3. Growth Regulators
2.3.1. Differential Sensitivity to Hormones
2.3.2. Hormones and Gene Activity
2.3.3. Sites of Hormonal Activity
2.3.4. Different Kinds of Growth Regulators
2.3.5. Interaction between Growth Regulators
2.3.6. Morphactins
3. Cell Division and Enlargement
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Nuclear and Cell Divisions
3.3. Cell Cycle
3.3.1. Cell Cycle Phases
3.3.2. Control and Regulation of Cell Cycle
3.3.3. Modifications of Cell Cycle
3.4. Mitotic Cycle and Index
3.5. Laws of Cell Division
3.6. Planes of Cell Division
3.6.1. Anticlinal Division
3.6.2. Periclinal Division
3.6.3. Transverse Division
3.6.4. Diffuse Division
3.7. Asymmetric Cell Divisions
3.7.1. Zygotic Division
3.7.2. Formation of Root Hair
3.7.3. Formation of Stomata
3.7.4. Pollen Formation
3.7.5. Endodermis Formation
3.8. Meiotic Division
3.9. Cell Enlargement
3.9.1. Types of Cell Enlargement
3.9.2. Water Uptake and Cell Growth
3.9.3. Intercellular Adjustments during Cell Growth
3.9.4. Growth of Pollen Tube
3.9.5. Growth of Root Hair
3.9.6. Growth of Seed Hairs
3.10. Role of Genome on Cell Size and Cell Division Rate
3.11. Relative Importance of Cell Division and Enlargement in Growth and Deveopment
4. Morphogenesis
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Diffusion Reaction Theory and Positional Theory of Morphogenesis
4.3. Morphogenesis at Cell Level
4.3.1. Role of Cell Wall in Cell Morphogenesis
4.3.2. Role of Cell Shape in Morphogenesis
4.4. Morphognesis at Tissue Level
4.4.1. Intercellular Spaces
4.4.2. Symplastic Domains
4.4.3. Morphogenesis of Epidermal Tissue
4.4.4. Sclerenchyma Tissue
4.4.5. Vascular Tissues
4.4.6. Secretory Tissues
4.5. Morphogenesis at Organ Level
4.5.1. Development of Leaf Form
4.5.2. Heteroblastic Development
4.5.3. Heterophylly
4.6. Whole Plant Morphogensis
4.7. Programmed Cell Death and Morphogenesis
5. Vegetative Growth and Development
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Apical Meristems
5.2.1. Shoot Apical Meristem
5.2.2. Root Apical Meristem
5.3. Intercalary Meristem
5.4. Development of the Primary Plant Body
5.4.1. Metamers and Modules
5.4.2. Origin and Development of Nodes and Internodes
5.4.3. Procambialization and Primary Vascularization in Stem
5.4.4. Development of Root Tissues
5.5. Origin of Axillary Buds and Branches
5.5.1. Structure and Development
5.5.2. Apical Dominance
5.5.3. Genetic Control of Branching
5.6. Origin and Development of Lateral Roots
5.7. Root–Stem Transition
5.8. Latitudinal Growth in Plants
5.8.1. Primary and Secondary Thickening Meristems
5.8.2. Vascular Cambium
5.8.3. Phellogen
5.9. Origin and Development of Leaves
5.9.1. Phyllotaxy
5.9.2. Leaf Initiation and Development
6. Pre–Fertilization Reproductive Growth and Development
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Flowering
6.2.1. Acquisition of Floral Competence
6.2.2. Physiology of Floral Evocation
6.2.3. Structural Changes and Molecular Control in Floral Evocation
6.2.4. Formation of Floral Organs
6.3. Ovule and Female Gametophyte
6.3.1. Configuration
6.3.2. Structure of Ovule
6.3.3. Archesporium, Megasporogenesis and Embryo Sac Development
6.3.4. Gene Expression during Embryo Sac Development
6.4. Anther and Male Gametophyte
6.4.1. Introduction
6.4.2. Structure and Development of Anther
6.4.3. Microsporogenesis and Microgametogenesis
6.4.4. Anther Dehiscence
6.5. Double Fertilization
6.5.1. Stigmatic Environment
6.5.2. Pollen Germination and Pollen Tube Growth
6.5.3. Stylar Environment
6.5.4. Growth of Pollen Tube into the Ovule
6.5.5. Male Gametes and Double Fertilization
6.6. Self–Incompatibility
7. Post–Fertilization Reproductive Growth and Development
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Fruit Development
7.2.1. Fruit Types
7.2.2. Basics of Fruit Development
7.2.3. Biochemical factors in fruit development
7.2.4. Physical Factors in Fruit Development
7.2.5. Fruit Ripening
7.2.6. Histology of Fruits
7.2.7. Dehiscence of Fruit and Release of Seeds
7.3. Seed Development
7.3.1. Introduction
7.3.2. Role of Chalaza in Seed Development
7.3.3. Seed Coat and Accessory Structure
7.3.4. Perisperm
7.3.5. Micropyle
7.3.6. Endosperm
7.4. Embryo
7.4.1. Introduction
7.4.2. Zygote
7.4.3. Embryogenesis
7.4.4. Histological Differentiation
7.4.5. Genetic Control of Embryogenesis
7.4.6. Embryo Maturation
7.4.7. Nutrition of Embryo
7.4.8. Synthesis of Storage Substances
7.4.9. Embryo Suspensor
7.5. Seedling Development
7.5.1. Viability of Embryos
7.5.2. Germination
8. Growth Movements
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Some Basic Concepts
8.3. Nastic Movements
8.3.1. Nyctinasty
8.3.2. Hydronasty
8.3.3. Thigmonasty
8.3.4. Thigmo–Morphogenesis and Seismo–Morphogenesis
8.4. Tropisms
8.4.1. Introduction
8.4.2. Phototropism
8.4.3. Solar Tracking
8.4.4. Skototropism
8.4.5. Gravitropism
8.5. Other Tropisms
8.6. Circumnutation
8.7. Reaction Wood
9. Rhythmic Phenomena and Growth Periodicity
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Some Basic Concepts
9.3. Rhythmic Responses to Environment
9.3.1. Light
9.3.2. Temperature
9.3.3. Chemicals
9.4. Clock Mechanism
9.5. Use of Clocks
9.6. Photoperiodism
9.6.1. Discovery
9.6.2. Some General Principles
9.6.3. Aspects of a Plant’s Life Cycle Controlled by Photoperiod
9.6.4. Types of Response to Photoperiod
9.6.5. Ripeness to Respond or Competence
9.6.6. Role of Dark Period
9.6.7. Time Measurement in Photoperiodism
9.6.8. Chemical Basis of Photoperiodism
9.7. Thermoperiodic and Other Temperature–Related Events
9.7.1. Temperature Effects on Plant Growth
9.7.2. Thermoperiodism
9.7.3. Vernalization
9.8. Dormancy
9.8.1. Concept and Definitions
9.8.2. Classification of Dormancy
9.8.3. Induction and Overcoming of Seed Dormancy
9.8.4. Bud Dormancy
9.8.5. Dormancy of Underground Storage Organs
9.8.6. Root Dormancy
9.8.7. Periodicity in Latitudinal Growth
9.8.8. Growth Rings
10. Alternate Strategies in Growth and Development
10.1. Introduction
10.2. Apomixis
10.2.1. Agamospermy
10.2.2. Molecular Basis of Apomixis
10.3. Polyembryony
10.4. Hemigamy, Androgenesis, Single Fertilization and Polyspermy
10.4.1. Hemigamy
10.4.2. Androgenesis
10. 4.3. Single Fertilization
10.4.4. Heterofertilization
10.4.5. Polyspermy
10.5. Incompatibility Barriers and Promotion of Fertilization
10.6. Parthenocarpy
10.7. In Vitro Organogenesis and Embryoidogenesis
10.7.1. In Vitro Callus Production
10.7.2. In Vitro Embryoid Production
10.8. Pollen Callus and Embryoid Production
10.9. About Embryos and Embryoids
10.9.1. Introduction
10.9.2. Zygote vs. Embryoid–initial
10.9.3. Division of Zygote and Embryoid–Initial Cell
10.9.4. Suspensor
10.9.5. Polarity
10.9.6. Cell Division, Pattern Formation and Symmetry Changes
10.9.7. Tissue and Organ Differentiation
10.9.8. Dormancy
10.9.9. Gene Expression
10.9.10. Morphology of the Embryoid
11. Abnormal Growth and Development
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Callus
11.3. Tumors and Galls
11.3.1. Crown Gall Tumors
11.3.2. Hairy Roots
11.3.3. Galls
11.4. Abnormal Growths Associated with Symbiotic and Mutualistic Interactions
11.4.1. Root Nodules
11.4.2. Cyanobcterial Roots
11.4.3. Mycorrhizal Associations
11.5. Hypersensitive Reactions in Plants
11.5.1. PCD Associated with HR
11.5.2. Cytological Changes Associated with HR
Subject Index
Species Index
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