N.L. Vyas
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The Publication of an 'Illustrated Dictionary of Plant Pathology ' is probably the first of its kind. A Dictionary normally takes the use of words as such for its subject matter and is concerned to explore the information about technical terms to present encyclopedic technical terms to present an encyclopedic knowledge of plant pathology. This dictionary includes an explanation of about 1200 technical terms with 87 Photographs showing disease symptoms and pathogens, there are seven appendices to further support the contents.
Abbreviations used
Dictionary (A-Z)
1. Common Diseases and their Causal organism.
2. Media and Nutrient Solutions used by Plant Pathologists and Mycologists.
3. A list of Fungicides Marked in India with Commercial
4. A list of Chemicals with Trade Names used in Plant Disease Control.
5.(a) Important Fungal Culture
(b) Fungal Mounting Media
6. Preparation of Stains and Reagent.
7. Prescriptions for Crop Disease Control
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