A.B.A.M. Baudoin
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List of Contributors
1. Use and Care of the Light Microscope
2. Recognition and Terminology of Diseases Symptoms and Signs
3. Isolation of Fungi and Bacteria
4. Diagnosis of Diseases and Proof of Pathogenicity
5. Plant Diseases Diagnosis in Practice
6. Characteristics and Structures of Fungi
7. Root Infection by Phytophthora
8. Damping- off of Seeds and Seedling
9. Soil Fungistasis
10. Pathogen Survival in Soil: Pythium Oospore Dormancy
11. Biological Control of Soilborne Plant Pathogens by Antagonistic
12. Soilborne Fungi: Inoculum Density
13. Population Assessment of Fusarium Spp. in Soil
14. Foliar Infection by Fungi
15. Dissemination of Fungus Spores and Bacterial Cells by Wind and Water
16. Fungicides for the Control of Foliar Infection
17. Race Identification of Wheat Leaf Rust
18. Bacterial Pathogens
19. Crown Gall
20. Frost Injury and Ice Nucleating Bacteria
21. Viruses: Mechanical Transmission and Host Range
22. Insect Transmission of Plant Viruses
23. Electron Microscopy
24. Virus Identification by Serology
25. Study of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes
26. Root-knot Nematodes: symptoms, Life Stages, and Control
27. Cyst Nematodes
28. Foliar Nematodes on Begonia
29. Physiological Aspects of Plant Diseases
30. Abiotic Diseases
31. Disorders Caused by Higher Plants
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