Home Books Zoology Medical Entomology 2nd Edition (A Handbook of Medically Important Insects and other Arthropods) : {For all Indian Universities Based on UGC Syllabus}

Medical Entomology 2nd Edition (A Handbook of Medically Important Insects and other Arthropods) : {For all Indian Universities Based on UGC Syllabus}


Medical Entomology 2nd Edition (A Handbook of Medically Important Insects and other Arthropods) : {For all Indian Universities Based on UGC Syllabus}

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The science of Medical Entomology has during past few decades undergone a sea change both in its extent and depth of knowledge, on one hand, and unique treatment, on the other. Currently, it embodies a plethora of biomedical and associated au fait that concern directly or indirectly the health of humans, but, to some extent, also the animals. In conclusion our familiarity with the medically important insects and allied arthropods has eventually extended enormously embracingbiomedicine, bioengineering, pharmacology andas food and feed research. This Handbook of Medical Entomology offers a detailed information on all kinds and levels of vector-borne and zoonotic infections, besides an uncanny description of all other pestilent, poisonous and allergic insects with a precise prescription of medication, too. It is hoped that with all the above relevant changes and additions, the book now is a complete reference for the assistance of UG, PG and Research Scholars at the university and/or medical college level in consistence with their curricula.

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