Of how many books can it be said that their publication directly affected the personal wellbeing of every person on the earth? No doubt, many books have been written which have changed the outlook of millions, altered social institutions, and even deflected the course of history, but of very few can it be said that their contents concerned the very central core of the construction of that rare amongst rarest of human morphs the scientist whom the entire humanity owes virtually everything, from good living conditions including clothes, drinking water, food, hygiene and health to clean environment. This book is all about the virtues that make a scientist. It is certainly not an easy task to define a scientist but for the characteristic that he is maddeningly obsessed with the prospects of achieving his objective under the severest of personal and professional stumbling blocks! Beforehand, thus, he visualises the entire scenario of his undertakings without actually physically seeing that is what makes him different from a man of ordinary mould: Wise haveth their eyes, in the head; Fools waketh through forest, see no firewood! I hope that this book, unique in its approach and treatment on the subject, and written with a view to ignite the young minds to develop habits of perseverance and dedication, so that a stronger future of India could be constructed.