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Vector-borne diseases (e.g., malaria, filariasis, dengue, chikungunya, Japanese encepha-litis, yellow fever, leishmaniasis etc.) are today one of the major causes of human suffering, both in terms of increasing morbidity/ mortality and stunting intellectual/ economic growth. No country, whether in tropics or temperate and developed or underdeveloped, is spared from their devastating impacts. The global disease burden is nearly unfathomable and there is a necessity to ponder over this issue for developing successful mitigation and response strategies. This book, Vector-Borne Diseases: Epidemiology Control, explores in a unique way several biological and ecological phenomena of vector-borne diseases in context with their impact on human health and economy, in addition to update our knowledge on emerging regional and global vector-borne disease scenarios, public and animal health preparedness to enhance prevention, control, and therapeutic measures by employing scientific and techn- ological advances through integrating available as well as innovative strategies to address current and future threats. This proceedings book of the 8th Int. Symp. of Vectors and Vector-borne Diseases is comprising 35 highly specialized articles on varied subjects presented in a lucid language and will hopefully serve a good purpose to all the researchers, university/ medical college UG/PG students, general public health enthusiasts/stakeholders and government officials who yearn to be updated on the subject of vector-borne diseases and are in some way or other contributing their bit towards elimination or control of these diseases.
Dr. S.K. Bhattacharya
Addl. Director-General
Indian Council of Medical Research
V. Ramalingaswami Bhawan, Ansari Nagar
New Delhi - 110 029
1 Developmental toxicities of medicinal plant extracts against insect vector,Aedes aegypti — Arun Kumar Tripathi
2 Homology modeling and Inhibitor based Active site validation of the P. falciparum Malonyl CoA: ACP transacylase — M. Ashalatha Sreshty, Mukesh Chourasia,U. Suryanarayana Murty and G. Narahari Sastry
3 Dengue Vector Prevalence studies in the rural areas of Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu state — N. Balakrishnan, D.C. Jain and Shiv Lal
4 Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS to Identify the Habitats of Vectors – An Overview — M. Govindaraju
5 Mosquito Larval Management using Diplonychus indicus, A Versatile Biocontrol Agent — E. Grace Marin and S. Prasanna Kumar
6 Investigations on the Dengue Fever Outbreak During 2003 in Trichirapalli, Tamil Nadu — T. John Victor, S. Sridharan, S. Catherine Malliga, M. Malathi, D. Senguttuvan, R. Asokan, D. Jagadeesh Ramasamy and P. Padmanaban
7 Prevalence of Chikungunya in Urban field practice area of Sree Balaji Medical College,Chennai — J.L. Joeimon, M. Moses Rajamani, G. Sundar, K. Dhinesh Babu,M.B. Sudharsanam, J.K. Krishnakumar and Stephen Thattiparthi
8 Investigations of Tick Bite Nuisance in Western Ghat areas of Dindigul and Coimbatore districts of Tamilnadu — K. Kamarasu, M.S. Abdul Kader, R. Asokan, M. Kannan, N. Murugesan, S. Elango, P. Padmanaban
9 Larvicidal activity of the leaf extract of Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad against vector mosquitoes — K. Mullai, A. Jebanesan, M. Govindarajan, T. Pushpanathan and K. Samidurai
10 A novel method to determine the interaction of gut microbiota of sandfly (Phlebotomus argentipes) with promastigotes of Leishmania donovani — M. Muniaraj, D. S. Dinesh, P. K. Sinha, P. Das, R. Paramasivan, R. Rajendran, V. Thenmozhi and B.K. Tyagi
11 Chikungunya Outbreak in Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh — Narahari Dhanwada, Suryanarayana Murty U. and Neelima Arora
12 Malaria Control in Palukur, Andhra Pradesh, India — Narahari Dhanwada, Prabhakar Reddy. T., Arunachalam Natarajan and Premkumar
13 An experience with Urban Malaria Management in Dindigul Area of Tamil Nadu, India — G. Narayanasamy, R. Selvaraj Pandian, C. Rajamanickam, S. Elango and N.C. Appavoo
14 Prioritization of Filariasis Endemic Zones in Andhra Pradesh - A novel application of Self Organizing Maps (SOM) — U.S.N. Murty and Neelima Arora
15 Host feeding pattern of Japanese encephalitis vector mosquito Culex gelidus from Kerala,India — P. Philip Samuel, N. Arunachalam, J. Hiriyan and B.K. Tyagi
16 Repellent activity of essential oil of Pelargonium graveolens L. Herit against Yellow fever Mosquito, Aedes aegypti Linnaeus — T. Pushpanathan, A. Jebanesan, M. Govindarajan, K. Mullai and K. Samidurai
17 Prevalence of Aedes aegypti in Dengue/DHF affected areas in Bangalore City, Karnataka State, India — Rakesh Katyal, V.K. Saxena, Kaushal Kumar and Shiv Lal
18 A bioactive fraction obtained from the petroleum ether extract of the leaves of Argemone mexicana L. for the control filarial vector larvae Culex quinquefasciatus — M. Sakthivadivel and H.D. Subashini
19 Impact of neemgold on larvae of Chrysomyia rufifacies (Diptera : Calliphoridae) during metamorphosis — Selvisabhanayakam and V. Mathivanan
20 A Theoretical model of the tridimensional structure of Bacillus thuringiensis LDC-9 cyt1a and cyt2b toxins deduced by homology modelling — A. Mahalakshmi, Poornima Kkani, K. Sujatha and R. Shenbagarathai
21 Japanese encephalitis in Cuddalore district, Tamil Nadu, India: A longitudinal study on vector infection frequency — V. Thenmozhi, R. Rajendran, K. Ayanar, R. Paramasivan,R. Manavalan and B.K. Tyagi
22 Larvicidal, pupicidal and repellency effect of murraya koenigii and bacillus thuringiensis var. isrealensis against the dengue vector Aedes aegypti — P. Thiyagarajan and K. Murugan
23 Evaluation on efficacy of various personal protection measures (coil, liquid vaporizer) used by people against mosquito bite — T.K. Senthil murugan, N. Ethirajan, A.J.W. Felix and Mani mozhi
24 A New species of Lutzia (Diptera: Culicidae) comparable with Halifaxii Theobald 1903 in A Semi-Arid Zone of India — Gavendra Singh and Soam Prakash 195
25 Prevalence of Vectors of Scrub Typhus, Plague and Kyasanur Forest Disease (KFD) in District Shimoga, Karnataka (India) — Kaushal Kumar, V.K. Saxena AND Shiv Lal
26 Time & space propagation of Dengue virus in a Tropical city — B. Mondet, G. Muthu Sankar, F. Borne, P. Vasconcelos and J.P. Faure
27 Usage of Larvivorous Fish for Biological Control of Mosquito larvae in urban Sewage Water — B. Reddya Naik, P. Umamaheshwara Reddy and A. Rajesh Kumar
28 Studies on Mosquito Fauna of Dooars in West Bengal, India — S.K. Rudra and G. Chandra
29 Filariasis incidence survey of Thanjavur town in Tamilnadu, India - An Assessment — P. Visvanathan, R. Nageshwaran and M. Govindaraju
30 Biodiversity of Anthrax and Trypanosomiasis vectors in the Rajiv Gandhi National Park,Karnataka, India — S.P. Vasudeva and S.N. Hedge
31 Japanese encephalitis virus transmission dynamics in a suburban area, Kurnool (Andhra Pradesh), India — N. Arunachalam, U.S.N. Murty, D. Narahari, A. Balasubramanian,R. Rajendran, P. Philip Samuel, V. Thenmozhi, R. Paramasivan and B.K. Tyagi
32 Beyond Filariasis Benefits of GPELF Programme on Soil Transmitted Helminth Infection after Four Annual Mass Drug administrations in South India — Sunish I.P., R. Rajendran, A. Munirathinam, T.R. Mani and B.K. Tyagi
33 Diversity of Mosquito Fauna in Vadipatti, Tamil Nadu, South India — S.P. Sevarkodiyone and R. Selvaraj Pandian
34 Study on Temephos Resistance in Aedes aegpti (Linn.) — S. N. Tikar, Arkaja Kumar, M. J. Mendki and Shri Prakash
35 Tabanid Flies (Diptera : Tabanidae) of India and their management with a note on Disease Vectors — Vijay Veer and Shri Prakash
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