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Declining water quality resulting from increasing human population, expansion of industrial and agricultural activities, and projected climate change is a major global issue of concern of the 21st century. UN's Sustainable Development Goal 6 has brought water quality issues to the forefront. The Goal 6 briefly states that international communities should strive to achieve universal and equitable distribution of safe drinking water. It urges communities to reduce water pollution, minimize release of hazardous chemicals and protect and restore water quality ecosystems. Contrarily, ecosystems are being mercilessly polluted. In fact, water pollution has now turned out to be one of the major causes of water inadequacy because it makes the water unfit for its intended uses. Nonetheless, a ray of hope is emerging in the academic world. Subjects related to environment and water quality are being introduced at school, undergraduate and post graduate levels to sensitize the people at the young age. Such an exercise will also help in equipping the future human resource for taking up the challenging issues of water quality. In this context 5th Dean's committee constituted by Indian Council of Agricultural Research has framed several courses on water quality to be taught to the students of agricultural engineering, agriculture, and horticulture. This books deals with the theory and laboratory exercises of one such course namely “The water quality pollution and management”..
1. Water Resources: An Introduction
2. Pollution of Water Resources
3. Inorganic and Organic Pollution
4. Water Quality: Objectives and Standards
5. Water Decontamination Technologies
6. Fluoride and Arsenic Pollution and Remedial Measures
7. Irrigation Water Quality Criteria
8. Management of Poor Quality Waters
9. Gypsum and Lime Requirement
10. Saline Water and Soil Salinization
11. Contaminants Transport in Soils
12.Sewage and Effluent Treatment Plants
13. Irrigation Water Classification and Management
Practical Exercise 1: Classification of Irrigation Water
Practical Exercise : Cultural Practices
Questions (Theory)
Annexure I and II
Glossary of Terms
Objective Type Questions and Answers
Subject Index
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