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Book Launch Biology for NEET (NCERT Based Objective in your Grip) by Sumant Verma.

Book Launch Biology for NEET (NCERT Based Objective in your Grip) by Sumant Verma.

Book Launch Biology for NEET (NCERT Based Objective in your Grip) by Sumant Verma.

Book Launch Biology for NEET (NCERT Based Objective in your Grip) by Sumant Verma. Book Released by Dr. Shaitan Singh Rathore (Principal) in the presence of Dr. Arvind Chauhan, Dr. Afzal Hakim, Dr. Sharad Thanvi (SN Medical College, Jodhpur (Rajasthan)), Mr. Sumant Verma (Author), Mr. Pawan Kumar Sharma, Mr. Tanay Sharma from Scientific Publishers, Rajasthan (INDIA)

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About the Book:

The main aim of the book is to provide students the real time examination feel before you give actual exam. The questions are designed as per NCERT biology curriculum which help students revise the complete syllabus and make them efficient in understanding the examination. Extra efforts has been paid to the recent trends in topical coverage and the latest question paper pattern.


1. Completely aligned with NCERT

2. Extensive number of question to practice and learn

3. Extra attention given to diagram based question

4. Recent trends and last year paper questions are thoroughly covered


About the Author:

Sumant Kumar Verma started his teaching career at Career point Kota, as Zoology faculty in 1999. After working almost 8 years, he joined Deeksha Classes, Jodhpur(Raj.). He is presently working at Deeksha Classes as HOD, Life Science and Zoology faculty from last 13 years. In more than 21 years of his teaching career has contributed in success of thousand of students in NEET and AIIMS Examinations.




Class XI Class XI
यूनिट 1ः जीव जगत का वर्गीकरण  Unit 1: Diversity in the Living World
1. जीव जगत  1. The Living World
2. जीव जगत का वर्गीकरण 2. Biological Classification
3. वनस्पति जगत  3. Plant Kingdom
4. प्राणि जगत  4. Animal Kingdom
यूनिट 2ः पादप तथा जन्तु में संरचनात्मक संगठन  Unit 2: Structural Organisation in Plants
5. पुष्पी पादपों की आकारिकी  5. Morphology of Flowering Plants
6. पुष्पी पादपों का शरीरे  6. Anatomy of Flowering Plant
7. प्राणियों में संरचनात्मक संगठन  7. Structural Organisation in Animals
यूनिट 3ः कोशिकाः संरचना एवं कार्य  Unit 3: Cell: Structure and Function
8. कोशिकाः जीवन की इकाई 8. Cell : The Units of Life
9. जैव अणु  9. Biomolecules
10. कोशिका चक्र और कोशिका विभाजन  10. Cell Cycle and Cell Division
यूनिट 4ः पादप कार्यकीय  Unit 4: Plant Physiology
11. पौधें में परिवहन  11. Transport in Plants
12. खनिज पोषण  12. Mineral Nutrition
13. उच्च पादप में प्रकाश संश्लेषण  13. Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
14. पादप में श्वसन  14. Respiration in Plants
15. पादप वृद्वि एव परिवर्धन 15. Plant Growth and Development
यूनिट 5ः मानव शरीर विज्ञान  Unit 5: Human Physiology
16. पाचन एवं अवशोषण  16. Digestion and Absorption
17. श्वसन तथा गैसों का विनियम  17. Breathing and Exchange of Gases
18. शरीर द्रव तथा परिसंचरण  18. Body Fluid and Circulation
19. उत्सर्जी उत्पाद एवं उसका निष्कासन  19. Excretory products and their Elimination
20. गमन एवं संचलन 20. Locomotion and Movement
21. तंत्रिकीय नियंत्राण एवं समन्वय 21. Neural Control and Coordination
22. रासायनिक समन्वय तथा एकीकरण 22. Chemical Coordination and Integration
Class XII Class XII
यूनिट 6ः जनन  Unit 6: Reproduction
1. जीवों में जनन  1. Reproduction in Organism
2. पुष्पी पादपों में लैगिक जनन  2. Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
3. मानव जनन  3. Human Reproduction
4. जनन स्वास्थ्य  4. Reproductive Health
यूनिट 7ः अनुवंशिकी तथा विकास  Unit 7: Genetics and Evolution
5. वंशागति तथा विविध्ता के सिद्धान्त  5. Principle of Inheritence and Variation
6. वंशागति के आणविक आधर  6. Molecular basis of Inheritence
7. विकास  7. Evolution
यूनिट 8ः मानव कल्याण में जीव विज्ञान  Unit 8: Biology and Human Welfare
8. मानव स्वास्थ्य तथा रोग  8. Human Health and Diseases
9. खाद्य उत्पादन में वृद्वि की कार्यनीति  9. Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
भाग I जन्तु पालन, भाग II पादप प्रजनन Part I: Animal Husbandry, Part II: Plant Breeding
10. मानव कल्याण में सूक्ष्मजीव  10. Microbes in Human Welfare
यूनिट 9ः जैव प्रौद्योगिकी  Unit 9: Biotechnology and Its Applications
11. जैव प्रौद्योगिकी-सिद्धांत व प्रकम  11. Biotechnology-Principles and Processes
12. जैव प्रौद्योगिकी एवं उसके उपयोग  12. Biotechnolgoy and its Application
यूनिट 10ः पर्यावरण एवं पारिस्थितिकी  Unit 10: Ecology and Environment
13. जीव और समष्टियाँ  13. Organism and Population
14. परितंत्रा  14. Ecosystem
15. जैव विविध्ता एवं संरक्षण  15. Biodiversity and its Conservation
16. पर्यावरण के मुद्दे  16. Environmental Issues
यूनिट 11ः एन.सी.ई.आर.टी. के चित्रों पर आधरित प्रश्न  Unit 11: Questions based on NCERT Figures 


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