A. Hemantaranjan

Dr. A. Hemantaranjan, Editor-in-Chief, Advances in Plant Physiology Series, is Associate Professor in the Department of Plant Physiology, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India as well as Fellow, Indian Society for Plant Physiology [FISPP]. He has been conducting and guiding research for the last twenty-eight years in the area of plant micronutrients and growth regulators with crops under normal and stress situations in various capacities under the U.G.C., C.S.I.R. and as University Teacher. In 1988, he became the recipient of “Research Scientist A Award” conferred on him by the University Grants Commission, Govt. of India. Over 75 of his research papers and review articles/book chapters are globally published in journals/treatise of international repute including proceedings of international/national symposia and recurrently cited world over especially in international journals including Annual Review of Plant Physiology. He is the recipient of a number of advanced trainings related to plant sciences, in general, and plant mineral nutrition, in particular. He was one of the active organizers of the International Conference on Plant Physiology, 1991 sponsored by Indian Society for Plant Physiology, New Delhi and Association of Plant Physiologists of SAARC Countries in the year 1991. In addition, he has been delivering invited lectures/guest lectures, presenting research papers and taking part in scientific deliberations, etc. in numerous scientific gatherings organized by the universities in India and abroad.  In 1987, he presented three valuable research papers in the Fourth International Iron Symposium and actively participated in the Round Table Discussion on invitation at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, U.S.A. amongst one of the three Indian Scientists. In 1994, he delivered an invited lecture in the Sixth International Trace Element Symposium at the University of Horticulture, Budapest, Hungary and also visited University of Wien, Vienna, Austria, in this connection. Besides the publication of this international treatise series on Advances in Plant Physiology, he has also published treatises on “Advancements in Iron Nutrition Research” and “Advancements in Micronutrient Research” in the years 1995 and 1996 respectively. Recently, he has also published a book on “Developments in Physiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants” as an Associate Editor. In addition, he is the Expert Member of Board of Studies of one of the reputed Agricultural Universities of India and Life Member of many Indian and overseas Learned Bodies in Biology and Agriculture. He has also acted as the Consulting Editor, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, Indian Journal of Pulse Research, Legume Research (An International Journal) - Agricultural Research Communication Centre, etc.

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