V. Krishna Reddy

Dr. V. Krishna Reddy, presently the Head of the Department of Botany, Kakatiya University Warangal. He received his M.Sc and Ph.D. degrees from Kakatiya University. He has nearly three decade of teaching experience research experience. His areas of research includes mycotoxins associated with foods and feeds and endophytic fungi of medicinal importance. Under his guidance three students were awarded Ph.D and four students are presently working. He handled a major research project funded by UGC, New Delhi. He has published 70 research papers in reputed journals and co-authored three books. He is an active member of academic bodies like Indian Botanical Society and Indian Phytopathological Society and Telangana Academy of Sciences. He visited foreign countries like USA and Sri Lanka and presented his research findings.

Mycotoxins Problem and its Management

V. Krishna Reddy
Hard Bound
  • 2,850.00 : 2,565.00

Mycotoxins Problem And Its Management

V. Krishna Reddy
Paper Back
  • 625.00 : 562.50

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