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V.S. Thakur
Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry Solan, (H.P.) 173 230
1. Role of cultural practices in plant disease management —S K Gupta and Sapna Devi
2. Compost: managing soil borne plant pathogens —Manish Mathur, Ritu Mawar and Satish Lodha
3. Biological control of plant diseases —S K Gupta, A K Gupta, Neeraj Sharma and Durga Parasad
4. PGPR: Their Role in Plant Growth and Disease Management —Rishi Mahajan and C.K. Shirkot
5. Management of crown gall in stone fruits in the realm of biological control —A K Gupta, Sapna Devi and Rishi Mahajan
6. AM fungi and their role in plant disease management —Narender K Bharat and Parveen Mehta
7. Citrus decline in darjeeling hills and potential microorganisms for its management —B N Chakraborty, U Chakraborty, K Rai, S Allay and U De
8. Plant disease resistance : concepts —R. K. Dogra, Naval Kishore and K. Kumar
9. Acquired Resistance in plants —Jagdish Kumar
10. Genetics of Resistance to Apple Scab: New Insights —K. Kumar, R.Kaur, Nirmal Sharma and Dinesh Singh
11. Biotechnological approaches for the plant disease management —Monica Sharma and Sapna Devi
12. Molecular Markers in Plant Disease Management —Monica Sharma
13. Fungicides in Plant Disease Management —T S Thind
14. Monitored control strategies for apple scab —Vijay Singh Thakur
15. Rational use of fungicides in the management of vegetable diseases —T S Thind and S K Gupta
16. Integrated disease management: retrospect and prospect —Mamta Sharma, S K Gupta and Suresh Pande
17. Integrated managment of wilt complex in scented geranium —D. Prasad and K.P. Singh
18. Integrated Management of Pea Powdery Mildew —Om Gupta, Usha Bhale, Madhuri Mishra and S.P. Tiwari
19. Integrated Management of Fungal Diseases of Pome and Stone Fruit Nurseries —Satish K. Sharma and Jitender Kumar
20. Plant Viruses : causes of plant diseases and their management —Awadhesh Kumar Pal
21. Protected cultivation, nematode problems and their management —R. K. Walia and Kum Kum Walia
22. Climate variables and their impact on plant diseases: Retrospect and prospect —Suresh Pande and Mamta Sharma
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