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The North-eastern region of India is the citrus depository of our country and is reported to be the centre of origin of many Citrus species. The genus Citrus L., the sole source of the citrus fruits of commerce, includes some of the most commercially important fruits. As many as 17 Citrus species, their 52 cultivars and 7 probable natural hybrids are reported to have originated in the North-eastern region of India. Northeast India falls under the “Indo-Burma Region” of hot spot of biodiversity, which is the richest and one of the most threatened places for plant life on the earth. Several Citrus species and their natural hybrids have been reported to originate and exist in this area. However, this vast indigenous Citrus diversity of India has not been used to its full potential for Citrus improvement programs. Sustainable in situ and on farm conservation is possible with active synergies with farmers, communities and national institutions. Role of farmers as active partners, conservator, promoter and custodian of local Citrus diversity are needed to be recognized.
In this book, several such interventions are given inform of various chapters which will be of immense use improving the productivity and profitability of North East Hill region citrus commodities through production and management of citrus. In this endeavour, useful information has been generated on genetic resources, diversity, conservation and utilization of citrus fruits; production and rejuvenation technology; biotic and abiotic stress – current scenario and management strategies; post-harvest management, value addition and marketing and farmer – FPOs – Scientist – Entrepreneurs of citrus crops at various research institutions and SAUs of the country. Earnest efforts have therefore, been made to compile information on diversity, conservation, utilization of citrus fruits; production and management technology; post-harvest management, value addition and marketing of citrus crops in a systematic manner, grouped in different chapters and presented in the form of a book entitled “Citrus Crop: Production and Management in NEH Region”. This publication contains excellent colored photographs depicting salient production and management of technology of citrus so as to update the knowledge of extension agencies and farmers.
Editor biodata
1. Horticulture Prospects in North East Hill Regions of India.
2. Bioprospecting and Valorization Potential of Endemic Citrus Species of North East India – Future Scope and Research Needs
3. Citrus Biodiversity of North East India Warrants Conservation and Commercialization
4. Citrus genetic resources of Manipur: need for conservation and sustainable utilization
5. Citrus genetic resources of Arunachal Pradesh: conservation and sustainable utilization
6. Genetic diversity of Citrus in Sikkim – Himalayan Region
7. Improvement of Citrus through Biotechnological approaches in NEH region.
8. Citrus rootstock breeding for Biotic and Abiotic stress tolerance in India
9. Citrus rootstocks for Higher fruit yield production.
10. Study of different Citrus Species as Rootstocks of Khasi Mandarin.
11. Grafting height and its impact on Growth of Citrus cv. nagpur Mandarin
12. CRISPR as a Tool for Citrus Crop Improvement
13. Role of Rhizosphere Hybridization-Mediated Biometric Response in Citrus.
14. Research Interventions on Recent Advances in the Production and Rejuvenation Technology of Citrus.
15. Intercropping of Spices in Young and Established Citrus Orchard for Boosting Growers’ Income
16. Vegetable Crops as Intercrop in Citrus Orchard in NEH Region.
17. Soil Fertility and Crop Nutrition in Citrus: Delineation, Deficiencies and Management of Nutrients
18. Addressing Nutritional Disorders of Khasi Mandarin Grown in Northeast India.
19. Biodiversity and IPM Strategies for Insect, Mite and Snail Pests of Citrus in India.
20. A Case Study of Insect- Pests Responsible for Mass Citrus Decline in Manipur and their Control Remedies.
21. Virus and Virus-like Pathogens Infecting Citrus in North East India: Characterization and Diagnostics
22. Exploring Microbes for Postharvest Management of Citrus Diseases.
23. Postharvest Quality Maintenance of Citrus Fruits through packaging.
24. Role of FPOs in Supply chain Management of Citrus in NEH Region.
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