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This book covers all the aspects of crop production that includes the soil, the surrounding atmosphere and plant itself. Combination of all the three factors results in optimum growth and production. Till few years back all these factors were considered independently. However, now we have knowledge and resources to understand the interactions and its significance.The crop environmental engineering is a part of major optional course in the M Tech program offered in Soil Water Engineering, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering and Soil and Water Conservation Engineering disciplines in various Agricultural Universities of the country. The objective of the course is to acquaint and equip the process of soil-water-plant relationship and their interaction for crop growth. It is offered as 2+0 credit course.We found that there is no single book that covers the entire course content. The students have to refer different books such as soil science to thermodynamics and plant physiology to protected cultivation for this subject.
1. Edaphology and Edaphic Properties
1.1 Soil as a Natural Body
1.2 Edaphic factors
1.2.1 Physical factors Soil texture Soil structure Soil depth Soil compaction Porosity Soil water Soil Air Soil temperature
1.3 Chemical factors
1.3.1 Soil organic matter
1.3.2 Soil pH
1.3.3 Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)
1.3.4 Base saturation
1.3.5. Essential elements
1.3.6. Soluble salts
1.4 Biological factors
1.4.1 Decomposers
1.4.2 Grazers and predators
1.4.3 Litter transformers
1.4.4 Mutualists
1.4.5 Pathogens, parasites, and root feeders
2. Solar Energy in Relation to Plant Growth
2.1 Importance of Solar Energy
2.2 Energy interaction
2.2.1 Kirchhoff’s Law
2.2.2 Planck’s law
2.2.3 Stefan-Boltzmann Law
2.2.4 Wein’s Displacement Law
2.3 Spectral Distribution of Solar Radiation
2.4 Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)
3. Environmental Factors in Growth Process
3.1 Water
3.2 Temperature
3.2.1 Temperature and Photosynthesis
3.2.2 Application of Day time temperature in Crop Development Analyses
3.3 Light
3.3.1 Quality of light
3.3.2 Duration of light
3.3.3 Light Intensities
4. Modification of Environmental
Factor for Plant Growth
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Forms of environmental modifications
4.2.1 Selection of appropriate crops, species and varieties
4.2.2 Alteration of sowing dates to escape the stress
4.2.3 Changing of plant population and field orientation
4.2.4 Crop rotation
4.2.5 Tillage practices
4.2.6 Planting methods
4.2.7 Inter-cropping
4.2.8 Soil moisture conservation
4.2.9 Shelter belts or wind breaks
4.3 Achievement through short term modifications
4.3.1 Controlling heat load
4.3.2 Water balance
4.3.3 Solar Radiation
4.4 Long term strategies
5. Different Stress on Crop Growth
5.1 The mechanics of water uptake
5.2 Soil Water
5.3 Soil Moisture and its retention in soil
5.3.1 Kinds of water
5.3.2 Surface tension
5.3.3 Viscosity
5.3.4 Capillarity
5.4 Energy concept of soil water
5.4.1 Definition of Total soil water potential Gravity Potential Pressure/Capillary/ matric potential Osmotic potential
5.5 Soil Moisture Tension
5.6 Soil Moisture Constants
5.7 Soil Moisture Characteristics Curve
5.8 Measurement of Soil Moisture retention
5.8.1 Pressure plate pressure membrane apparatus
5.8.2 Tensiometers
5.8.3 Soil moisture sensors (Time Domain reflectometry, TDR)
5.8.4 Neutron scattering
6.1 Basics of Thermodynamics
6.2 Soil as a thermodynamic System
6.3 Thermodynamic Processes in Soil
6.4 Thermodynamic Potentials
6.5 Thermodynamic Relationships
6.5.1 The Maxwell Relations
6.5.2 The Euler Equation
6.5.3 The Gibbs-Duhem Equation
7. Evapo-transpiration &
7.1 Evapotranspiration
7.2 Determination of Evapotranspiration
7.2.1 Lysimeter
7.2.2 Installation of Lysimeter
7.2.3 Weighing Precision
7.2.4 Drum Culture Technique
7.3 Evapo-transpiration Models
7.4 Development of Reference Evapo-transpiration Model
7.5 Penman-Monteith Method and its Calculation procedure
7.6 Step by Step Computation of Parameters in P-M Equation (Zotarelli et al. 2010)
8. Drought Indices for Drought
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Classification of drought
8.2.1 Meteorological Drought
8.2.2 Hydrological Drought
8.2.3 Agricultural Drought
8.2.4 Socio-economic Drought
8.3 Meteorological Drought Indices
8.3.1 Percent Normal Precipitation (PNP)
8.3.2 National Rainfall Index
8.3.3 Deciles
8.3.4 Standardized Precipitation Index (McKee et al. 1993)
8.3.5 Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI)
8.3.6 Bhalme and Mooly Drought Index (BMDI)
8.4 Hydrological Drought Indices
8.4.1 Surface Water Supply Index (SWSI)
8.4.2 Palmer hydrological drought index (PHDI) (Karl, 1986)
8.4.3 Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI)
8.4.4 Reclamation Drought Index (RDI) (Weghorst, 1996)
8.4.5 Stream flow drought index
8.5 Agricultural Drought Indices
8.5.1 Crop moisture index (CMI) (Palmer 1968)
8.5.2 Soil Moisture Drought Index (SMDI) (Hollinger et al. 1993)
8.5.3 Crop Specific Drought Index (CSDI) (Meyer and Hubbard 1995)
8.5.4 Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) (Liu and Kogan 1996)
8.6 Socio-Economic Drought Index
8.6.1 Multivariate Standardized Reliability and Resilience Index (MSRRI) (Mehran et al. 2015)
8.7 Drought prediction and forecasting
8.7.1 Goodness of fit
8.7.2 Return period
8.7.3 Confidence limit
10. Controlled and Protected Cultivation
10.1 What is greenhouse?
10.2 Green house effect
10.3. Advantages of greenhouse
10.4. Requirement of Green House Environment for Crop Growth
10.4.1 Light
10.4.2 Role of light
10.4.3 Artificial source of light
10.4.4 Selection of light source Incandescent Fluorescent High Intensity Discharge Lamps Light Emitting Diode (LED) Air composition
10.5 Factors affecting CO2 uptake
10.5.1 CO2 enrichment
10.5.2 Methods for enrichment
10.6 Temperature
10.7 Humidity
10.8 Types of Greenhouse
10.8.1 Classification Based on Shape Lean-to Type Gable Even Type Uneven Span Type Quonset type Ridge and Furrow Type Saw tooth Type
10.8.2 Classification Based on Type of Climate Control
10.9 Types of Cooling system
10.9.1 Passive Cooling Natural draft cooling Forced convections Nocturnal radiation cooling Cooling by night convection
10.9.2 Active Cooling System Roof evaporative cooling Pad-fan cooling system Foggers Movable screens (shading)
10.10 Green House Heating
10.10.1 Types of Heating System Passive Heating System Conventional Methods Active Heating System
11. Design and Construction of Green House
11.1 Site selection
11.2 Layout
11.3 Orientation
11.4 Different loads on green house
11.4.1 Dead load
11.4.2 Live load
11.4.3 Snow Load
11.4.4 Wind Load
11.5 Construction of Greenhouse
11.5.1 Foundations
11.5.2 Floors
11.5.3 Frames
11.6 Structural components of a greenhouse
11.6.1 Hoops
11.6.2 Foundation pipes
11.6.3 End frame
11.6.4 Lateral support
11.6.5 Polygrip assembly
11.7 Cladding Materials and their Properties
11.7.1 Glass
11.7.2 Acrylic
11.7.3 Polycarbonate
11.7.4 Fibre glass reinforced plastic panels (FRP)
11.7.5 Polythene
11.7.6 Polyvinyl Fluoride film
11.8 Electrical requirements
11.9 Water requirements
11.10 Instrumentation
11.10.1 Air Temperature Measurement
11.10.2 Radiation Measuring Instrument
11.10.3 Photosynthesis Analyzer
11.10.4 Humidity measurement
11.10.5 Leaf Area Index (LAI) Measurements
11.11 Errors and Uncertainties in measurement micro climate within the green house
12. Hydroponics: Soil less Cultivation
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Types of Hydroponics System
12.2.1 Standing aerated nutrient solution
12.2.2 Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)
12.2.3 Ebb and Flow Nutrient Solution System
12.2.4 Capillary System
12.2.5 Raft System
12.2.6 Drip System
12.3 Growing Media
12.3.1 Coco-peat
12.3.2 Perlite
12.3.3 Vermiculite
12.3.4 Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate (LECA)
12.3.5 Rockwool
12.3.6 Sand and Gravel Culture
12.4 Nutrient Management in Hydroponics
13. Crop Growth Models
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Modelling Concept
13.3 Types of Models
13.4 Stages of Model Formulation
13.5 Forrester Diagram
13.6 Importance of Crop Growth Models
13.7 Crop Growth Models
13.8 Radiation Use Efficiency
13.9 Status of Crop Growth Models
14. Climate change and its effect on Crop production
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Crop response to Climate Change
14.2.1 Temperature
14.2.2 Carbon dioxide (CO2)
14.2.3 Solar Radiation
14.2.4 Precipitation
14.3 Extreme Conditions
14.4 Indirect Climate Change Effects
14.5 Livestock Response to Climate Change
14.6 Effects of Climate Change on Soil and Water
14.7 Adaptation Options
14.8 Crop Growth Models
14.9 Effect of Projected Climate Change on Crops through Crop Growth Model
Subject Index
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