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Mycological Techniques : Identification Mycotoxigenic Fungi and Mycotoxins


Mycological Techniques : Identification Mycotoxigenic Fungi and Mycotoxins

Rekha Bhadauria & Ajay K. Gautam

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Mycological Techniques: Identification of Mycotoxigenic Fungi and Mycotoxins” is a manual designed to aid the guidelines and techniques applied in mycological laboratory and in the other allied fields. This handbook is based on research conducted by many renowned scientists on fungi and related mycotoxins, and the practical approach to the isolation and identification of toxigenic strains of fungi as well as their related fungal toxins, called as Mycotoxins, commonly met on stored food and other materials. Students hopefully will find the information on important fungi particularly related to storage and field conditions and secondary metabolites produced during the growth of fungi on food and other substrates.Reports of many researchers, scientists, and book from all over globe indicate direct relation between the incidence of mycotoxigenic fungi, extent of mycotoxin contamination and their prevalence revealed their relation to some of the human ailments. Most of the mycotoxins mainly aflatoxins, ochratoxins A and fumonisins are posing serious health hazards in Asian countries. In the context of Indian climatic conditions, need of assessing and preparation of a comprehensive account related to consumption of contaminated food and feed is essential in order to highlight the problems and their health hazards due to mycotoxins. Present attempt is made to provide recent developments in the subject so that researchers interested may get clear understanding of the problems.


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