Inder Dev , Asha Ram , Naresh Kumar , Ramesh Singh , Dhiraj Kumar , A.R. Uthappa , A.K. Handa & O.P. Chaturvedi
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This book entitled Agroforestry forClimate Resilience and Rural Livelihood would help the readers to gain knowledge on importance of agroforestry for climate change and providing ecosystem services through many ways. This is a testimony and a ready reckoner to help to solve the challenges of climatic vagaries and resource degradation of natural resource bases. The compilation would certainly provide the steps that should be taken to meet the twin objective of climate resilience and livelihood security through adoption of agroforestry models. This book would definitely be helpful forpolicy makers, planners, academicians, students and scientists to suggest the technologies and strategies to the farmers for enhancing their productivity, economic stability, meeting nutritional security under the changing climatic scenario. The key features includes the idea of ecosystem services relevance in present day context, which otherwise was being neglected. The voluminous compilation will act as a boost for farmers to adopt agroforestry system in their pursuit for better environmental management and resilience against the climate change.
1. Livelihood opportunities through Agroforestry Interventions.
2. Role of Agroforestry in current scenario.
3. Augmenting grasslands and agroforestry for sustaining forage production.
4. Agroforestry for sustainable land use, environmental challenges, biodiversity conservation and rural livelihood options.
5. Traditional and Improved Agroforestry Systems in Hot Arid Region of India.
6. DNRA in agroforest soils: a tool for cleaner environment.
7. Fodder tree based agroforestry systems in hills of Uttarakhand.
8. Prospects of organic farming in hill agroforestry systems with specific reference to Sikkim Himalayas.
9. Agroforestry for Diversification through Livestock.
10. Participatory Extension Management and Mobilizing Farmers for Soil and Water Conservation.
11. Role of Industry in promotion of agroforestry and production of quality planting material.
12. Potential of bamboos for livelihood and income generation.
13. Potential of Short Rotation Forestry and Agroforestry for Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainability.
14. Carbon Sequestration Potential and Economics of Dalbergia sissoo + Paddy based Agro-forestry System.
15. Carbon sequestration potential of fast growing short rotation tree species based agroforestry systems in Terai Region of Central Himalaya.
16. Agroforestry systems for climate change adaptation and mitigation: The review.
17. Biomass carbon potential in agroforestry systems along altitudes in Tehri district of Uttarakhand.
18. Carbon sequestration potential of few selected tree species.
19. Climate change and adaptation in Agriculture: A Study of Himachal Pradesh.
20. Analysis of Groundwater Drought of Bearma Basin in Bundelkhand Using Groundwater Drought Index (GDI).
21. Effect of feeding Gliricidia sepium leaves from silvipasture model of agroforestry in degraded wastelands on milk yield and its composition in dairy cows.
22. Biomass and carbon stock under high density spacings of different tree species.
23. Performance of ginger and chittaratha under varying spacings of seven year old bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus (Roxb.) Nees) in central Kerala, India.
24. Growth attributes, litter decomposition of certain Populus deltoides Bartr. Ex. Marsh. (Poplar) clones and yield performance of paddy and wheat in partially reclaimed sodic soils.
25. Performance of wheat and paddy intercropped under poplar (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh ) based agrisilviculture system.
26. Effect of tree spacing on litter production and decomposition under Eucalyptus tereticornis based agroforestry system.
27. Comparative evaluation of locally available casing materials for quantitative and qualitative effect on two strains of Agaricus bisporus(Lange)
28. Growth performance, essential oil recovery and financial flows of Ocimum spp. under Pongamia pinnata [(L.) Panigrahi]- Ocimum spp. based silvi-medicinal agroforestry systems.
29. Anthracnose Disease Caused byColletotrichum dematium Affected CO2 Assimilation, Thylakoid Electron Transport and Other Related Photosynthetic Traits in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea).
30. Influence of rainwater harvesting practices on growth of aonla (Emblica officinalis), yield of inter crops and resource conservation in agroforestry system in red soils of Bundelkhand.
31. Growth, biomass production and co2 sequestration of some important multipurpose trees under rainfed condition.
32. Clonal propagation of Eucalyptus using mini cuttings.
33. Effect of and pre-sowing seed treatments on the germination attributes of Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don.
34. Biomass Production and CO2 mitigation Potential under Different land use system
35.Genetic diversity studies on Calophyllum inophyllum (Undi) progenies through Inter simple sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers.
36. Standardization of best growing medium and container type for quality stock production in Emblica officinalis Gaertn.
37. Effect of Integrated Application of Inorganic and Organic Sources on Yield and Available Soil Micronutrient.
38. Social determinants of amla growing farmers in Tamil Nadu.
39. Agroforestry and soil health/quality: an overview.
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