Home Books Agriculture Agribusiness Nutritional and Physiological Disorders in Crop Plants

Nutritional and Physiological Disorders in Crop Plants


Nutritional and Physiological Disorders in Crop Plants

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The book on Nutritional and physiol-ogical disorders in crop plants deals with Classification of plant nutrients according to relative requirements for plant growth, their biochemical behaviour, physiological function, functional basis of elements; functions and importance of various plant nutrients; predisposing factors for the occurrence of nutrient deficiencies; diagnosis of plant deficiency symptoms in cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fibers, sugars, fruits, vegetables, flowers, plantation crops and narcotics covering 43 crops with photographs of symptoms; commonly occurring physiological disorders in selected crops, and remedial measures. The book will be useful to the undergraduate students of Agriculture Horticulture to update their knowledge on nutritional and physiological disorders in crop plants. It will also provide a suitable basis for those engaged in the profession of Agriculture viz., extension functionaries farmers.

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